OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Project: OpenWalnut ( )
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 OpenWalnut Community, BSV@Uni-Leipzig and CNCF@MPI-CBS
6 // For more information see
7 //
8 // This file is part of OpenWalnut.
9 //
10 // OpenWalnut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // OpenWalnut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 // along with OpenWalnut. If not, see <>.
22 //
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <queue>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <vector>
33 #include <osg/Geode>
35 #include "core/dataHandler/WDataSetScalar.h"
36 #include "core/dataHandler/WValueSet.h"
37 #include "core/graphicsEngine/WGETexture.h"
38 #include "core/graphicsEngine/WPickInfo.h"
39 #include "core/kernel/WModule.h"
40 #include "core/kernel/WModuleInputData.h"
41 #include "core/kernel/WModuleOutputData.h"
44 /**
45  * Forward declaration of WPickInfo.
46  */
47 //class WPickInfo;
49 /**
50  * This module allows mark areas in a 3D texture by "painting"
51  * on pickable surfaces.
52  *
53  * \ingroup modules
54  */
55 class WMPaintTexture: public WModule
56 {
57 public:
58  /**
59  *
60  */
63  /**
64  *
65  */
66  virtual ~WMPaintTexture();
68  /**
69  * Gives back the name of this module.
70  * \return the module's name.
71  */
72  virtual const std::string getName() const;
74  /**
75  * Gives back a description of this module.
76  * \return description to module.
77  */
78  virtual const std::string getDescription() const;
80  /**
81  * Due to the prototype design pattern used to build modules, this method returns a new instance of this method. NOTE: it
82  * should never be initialized or modified in some other way. A simple new instance is required.
83  *
84  * \return the prototype used to create every module in OpenWalnut.
85  */
86  virtual std::shared_ptr< WModule > factory() const;
88  /**
89  * Get the icon for this module in XPM format.
90  * \return The icon.
91  */
92  virtual const char** getXPMIcon() const;
94 protected:
95  /**
96  * Entry point after loading the module. Runs in separate thread.
97  */
98  virtual void moduleMain();
100  /**
101  * Initialize the connectors this module is using.
102  */
103  virtual void connectors();
105  /**
106  * Initialize the properties for this module.
107  */
108  virtual void properties();
110  /**
111  * Callback for m_active.
112  */
113  virtual void activate();
116 private:
117  /**
118  * this function listens to the pick handler, if the paint flag is true it will write into the out texture
119  */
120  void doPaint();
122  /**
123  * this function listens to the pick handler, if the paint flag is true it will add the paint position to the
124  * paint queue
125  *
126  * \param pickInfo the pickInfo object fromt he current pick
127  */
128  void queuePaint( WPickInfo pickInfo );
130  /**
131  * creates a new texture
132  */
133  void createTexture();
135  /**
136  * updates the output connector
137  */
138  void updateOutDataset();
140  /**
141  * copies data from the input dataset into the paint texture
142  */
143  void copyFromInput();
145  /**
146  * creates a ROI from the currently selected paint value
147  */
148  void createROI();
150  /**
151  * get the paint index at the picked voexel fromt he out texture and sets m_paintIndex accordingly
152  *
153  * \param pickInfo the pickInfo object for the pick
154  */
155  void setColorFromPick( WPickInfo pickInfo );
157  /**
158  * Interpolation?
159  */
160  WPropBool m_painting;
162  /**
163  * A list of pencil sizes and shapes
164  */
165  std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_pencilSelectionsList;
167  /**
168  * Selection property for pencil size and shape
169  */
170  WPropSelection m_pencilSelection;
172  /**
173  * specifies the value we paint into the output texture
174  */
175  WPropInt m_paintIndex;
177  /**
178  * A list of color map selection types
179  */
180  std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_colorMapSelectionsList;
182  /**
183  * Selection property for color map
184  */
185  WPropSelection m_colorMapSelection;
187  /**
188  * true when a new paint coordinate is added to the queue
189  */
190  WPropBool m_queueAdded;
192  /**
193  * new paint coordinates get added here
194  */
195  std::queue< WPickInfo >m_paintQueue;
197  /**
198  * An input connector that accepts order 1 datasets.
199  */
200  std::shared_ptr< WModuleInputData< WDataSetSingle > > m_input;
202  /**
203  * An output connector for the output scalar dsataset.
204  */
205  std::shared_ptr< WModuleOutputData< WDataSetScalar > > m_output;
207  /**
208  * This is a pointer to the dataset the module is currently working on.
209  */
210  std::shared_ptr< WDataSetSingle > m_dataSet;
212  /**
213  * Point to the out dataset once it is invalid. Used to deregister from the datahandler
214  */
215  std::shared_ptr< WDataSetScalar > m_outDataOld;
217  /**
218  * This is a pointer to the current output.
219  */
220  std::shared_ptr< WDataSetScalar > m_outData;
222  /**
223  * stores a pointer to the texture we paint in
224  */
225  osg::ref_ptr< WGETexture3D > m_texture;
227  /**
228  * stores a pointer to the grid we use;
229  */
230  std::shared_ptr< WGridRegular3D > m_grid;
232  /**
233  * A condition used to notify about changes in several properties.
234  */
235  std::shared_ptr< WCondition > m_propCondition;
237  /**
238  * copies the input dataset into the paint texture, this allows one to continue work
239  */
240  WPropTrigger m_buttonCopyFromInput;
242  /**
243  * updates the output connector on demand, as we don't want to do this every paint command
244  */
245  WPropTrigger m_buttonUpdateOutput;
247  /**
248  * updates the output connector on demand, as we don't want to do this every paint command
249  */
250  WPropTrigger m_buttonCreateRoi;
251 };
253 #endif // WMPAINTTEXTURE_H
Forward declaration of WPickInfo.
virtual void moduleMain()
Entry point after loading the module.
WPropSelection m_colorMapSelection
Selection property for color map.
WPropTrigger m_buttonCreateRoi
updates the output connector on demand, as we don't want to do this every paint command
void copyFromInput()
copies data from the input dataset into the paint texture
void doPaint()
this function listens to the pick handler, if the paint flag is true it will write into the out textu...
WPropBool m_painting
std::shared_ptr< WDataSetSingle > m_dataSet
This is a pointer to the dataset the module is currently working on.
void setColorFromPick(WPickInfo pickInfo)
get the paint index at the picked voexel fromt he out texture and sets m_paintIndex accordingly
WPropSelection m_pencilSelection
Selection property for pencil size and shape.
WPropTrigger m_buttonCopyFromInput
copies the input dataset into the paint texture, this allows one to continue work
std::shared_ptr< WDataSetScalar > m_outData
This is a pointer to the current output.
std::shared_ptr< WGridRegular3D > m_grid
stores a pointer to the grid we use;
std::shared_ptr< WCondition > m_propCondition
A condition used to notify about changes in several properties.
virtual void connectors()
Initialize the connectors this module is using.
WPropTrigger m_buttonUpdateOutput
updates the output connector on demand, as we don't want to do this every paint command
WPropInt m_paintIndex
specifies the value we paint into the output texture
void createROI()
creates a ROI from the currently selected paint value
virtual const char ** getXPMIcon() const
Get the icon for this module in XPM format.
void updateOutDataset()
updates the output connector
std::shared_ptr< WDataSetScalar > m_outDataOld
Point to the out dataset once it is invalid.
virtual const std::string getDescription() const
Gives back a description of this module.
std::shared_ptr< WModuleOutputData< WDataSetScalar > > m_output
An output connector for the output scalar dsataset.
osg::ref_ptr< WGETexture3D > m_texture
stores a pointer to the texture we paint in
std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_pencilSelectionsList
A list of pencil sizes and shapes.
std::queue< WPickInfo > m_paintQueue
new paint coordinates get added here
virtual void properties()
Initialize the properties for this module.
std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_colorMapSelectionsList
A list of color map selection types.
virtual void activate()
Callback for m_active.
std::shared_ptr< WModuleInputData< WDataSetSingle > > m_input
An input connector that accepts order 1 datasets.
virtual std::shared_ptr< WModule > factory() const
Due to the prototype design pattern used to build modules, this method returns a new instance of this...
void createTexture()
creates a new texture
WPropBool m_queueAdded
true when a new paint coordinate is added to the queue
void queuePaint(WPickInfo pickInfo)
this function listens to the pick handler, if the paint flag is true it will add the paint position t...
virtual const std::string getName() const
Gives back the name of this module.
Class representing a single module of OpenWalnut.
Definition: WModule.h:72
Encapsulates info for pick action.
Definition: WPickInfo.h:42