OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Project: OpenWalnut ( )
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 OpenWalnut Community, BSV@Uni-Leipzig and CNCF@MPI-CBS
6 // For more information see
7 //
8 // This file is part of OpenWalnut.
9 //
10 // OpenWalnut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // OpenWalnut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 // along with OpenWalnut. If not, see <>.
22 //
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <list>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <set>
29 #include <sstream>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <utility>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include "../common/WLogger.h"
35 #include "../common/WThreadedRunner.h"
36 #include "../common/exceptions/WSignalSubscriptionFailed.h"
37 #include "WBatchLoader.h"
38 #include "WDataModule.h"
39 #include "WModuleCombiner.h"
40 #include "WModuleContainer.h"
41 #include "WModuleFactory.h"
42 #include "WModuleInputConnector.h"
43 #include "WModuleOutputConnector.h"
44 #include "WModuleTypes.h"
45 #include "combiner/WApplyCombiner.h"
46 #include "exceptions/WModuleAlreadyAssociated.h"
47 #include "exceptions/WModuleUninitialized.h"
49 WModuleContainer::WModuleContainer( std::string name, std::string description ):
50  WModule(),
51  m_name( name ),
52  m_description( description ),
53  m_crashIfModuleCrashes( true )
54 {
55  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Constructing module container." , "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_DEBUG );
56  // initialize members
57 }
60 {
61  // cleanup
62 }
65 {
66  // do nothing here. The WModule class enforces us to overwrite this method here, but we do not need it.
67  // Only set the ready flag.
68  ready();
69 }
71 std::shared_ptr< WModule > WModuleContainer::factory() const
72 {
73  // this factory is not used actually.
74  return std::shared_ptr< WModule >( new WModuleContainer( getName(), getDescription() ) );
75 }
77 void WModuleContainer::add( std::shared_ptr< WModule > module, bool run )
78 {
79  if( !module )
80  {
81  // just ignore NULL Pointer
82  return;
83  }
85  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Adding module \"" + module->getName() + "\" to container." ,
86  "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_INFO );
88  if( !module->isInitialized()() )
89  {
90  std::ostringstream s;
91  s << "Could not add module \"" << module->getName() << "\" to container \"" + getName() + "\". Reason: module not initialized.";
93  throw WModuleUninitialized( s.str() );
94  }
96  // already associated with this container?
97  if( module->getAssociatedContainer() == shared_from_this() )
98  {
99  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Adding module \"" + module->getName() + "\" to container not needed. Its already inside." ,
100  "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_INFO );
101  return;
102  }
104  // is this module already associated?
105  if( module->isAssociated()() )
106  {
107  module->getAssociatedContainer()->remove( module );
108  }
110  // get write lock
112  wlock->get().insert( module );
113  wlock.reset();
115  module->setAssociatedContainer( std::static_pointer_cast< WModuleContainer >( shared_from_this() ) );
116  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Associated module \"" + module->getName() + "\" with container." , "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")",
117  LL_INFO );
119  // now module->isUsable() is true
121  // Connect the error handler and all default handlers:
124  // connect the containers signal handler explicitly
125  t_ModuleErrorSignalHandlerType func = boost::bind( &WModuleContainer::moduleError, this, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2 );
126  boost::signals2::connection signalCon = module->subscribeSignal( WM_ERROR, func );
127  subscriptionsLock->get().insert( ModuleSubscription( module, signalCon ) );
129  // connect default notifiers:
130  boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_errorNotifiersLock );
131  for( std::list< t_ModuleErrorSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_errorNotifiers.begin(); iter != m_errorNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
132  {
133  signalCon = module->subscribeSignal( WM_ERROR, ( *iter ) );
134  subscriptionsLock->get().insert( ModuleSubscription( module, signalCon ) );
135  }
136  slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_associatedNotifiersLock );
137  for( std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_associatedNotifiers.begin(); iter != m_associatedNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
138  {
139  // call associated notifier
140  ( *iter )( module );
141  }
142  slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_connectorNotifiersLock );
143  for( std::list< t_GenericSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_connectorEstablishedNotifiers.begin();
144  iter != m_connectorEstablishedNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
145  {
146  // subscribe on each input
147  for( InputConnectorList::const_iterator ins = module->getInputConnectors().begin(); ins != module->getInputConnectors().end(); ++ins )
148  {
149  signalCon = ( *ins )->subscribeSignal( CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, ( *iter ) );
150  subscriptionsLock->get().insert( ModuleSubscription( module, signalCon ) );
151  }
152  }
153  for( std::list< t_GenericSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_connectorClosedNotifiers.begin();
154  iter != m_connectorClosedNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
155  {
156  // subscribe on each input
157  for( InputConnectorList::const_iterator ins = module->getInputConnectors().begin(); ins != module->getInputConnectors().end(); ++ins )
158  {
159  signalCon = ( *ins )->subscribeSignal( CONNECTION_CLOSED, ( *iter ) );
160  subscriptionsLock->get().insert( ModuleSubscription( module, signalCon ) );
161  }
162  }
163  slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_readyNotifiersLock );
164  for( std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_readyNotifiers.begin(); iter != m_readyNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
165  {
166  signalCon = module->subscribeSignal( WM_READY, ( *iter ) );
167  subscriptionsLock->get().insert( ModuleSubscription( module, signalCon ) );
168  }
169  slock.unlock();
171  // free the subscriptions lock
172  subscriptionsLock.reset();
174  // add the modules progress to local progress combiner
175  m_progress->addSubProgress( module->getRootProgressCombiner() );
177  // run it
178  if( run )
179  {
180  module->run();
181  }
182 }
185 {
187  WModuleFactory::getModuleFactory()->getPrototypeByName( name )
188  );
190  // add to the container
191  add( module );
192  module->isReady().wait();
194  return module;
195 }
197 void WModuleContainer::remove( std::shared_ptr< WModule > module )
198 {
199  // simple flat removal.
201  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Removing module \"" + module->getName() + "\" from container." , "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")",
202  LL_DEBUG );
204  if( module->getAssociatedContainer() != shared_from_this() )
205  {
206  return;
207  }
209  // remove connections inside this container
210  module->disconnect();
212  // remove progress combiner
213  m_progress->removeSubProgress( module->getRootProgressCombiner() );
215  // remove signal subscriptions to this containers default notifiers
218  // find all subscriptions for this module
219  std::pair< ModuleSubscriptionsIterator, ModuleSubscriptionsIterator > subscriptions = subscriptionsLock->get().equal_range( module );
220  for( ModuleSubscriptionsIterator it = subscriptions.first; it != subscriptions.second; ++it )
221  {
222  // disconnect subscription.
223  ( *it ).second.disconnect();
224  }
225  // erase them
226  subscriptionsLock->get().erase( subscriptions.first, subscriptions.second );
227  subscriptionsLock.reset();
229  // get write lock
231  wlock->get().erase( module );
232  wlock.reset();
234  module->setAssociatedContainer( std::shared_ptr< WModuleContainer >() );
236  // tell all interested about removal
237  boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_removedNotifiersLock );
238  for( std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType >::iterator iter = m_removedNotifiers.begin(); iter != m_removedNotifiers.end(); ++iter )
239  {
240  // call associated notifier
241  ( *iter )( module );
242  }
243  slock.unlock();
244 }
247 {
250  // lock, unlocked if l looses focus
253  // iterate module list
254  for( ModuleConstIterator iter = lock->get().begin(); iter != lock->get().end(); ++iter )
255  {
256  // is this module a data module?
257  if( ( *iter )->getType() == MODULE_DATA )
258  {
259  std::shared_ptr< WDataModule > dm = std::static_pointer_cast< WDataModule >( *iter );
261  // now check the contained dataset ( isTexture and whether it is ready )
262  if( dm->isReady()() )
263  {
264  l.insert( dm );
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  return l;
270 }
273 {
274  const size_t nonZero = 1;
275  size_t numberOfModules = nonZero;
276  std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WModule > > modulesToRemove;
278  while( numberOfModules != 0 )
279  {
280  modulesToRemove.clear();
281  // get names of all remaining modules to try to remove them
282  {
284  numberOfModules = lock->get().size();
285  for( ModuleConstIterator listIter = lock->get().begin(); listIter != lock->get().end(); ++listIter )
286  {
287  modulesToRemove.push_back( *listIter );
288  }
289  }
290  for( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WModule > >::iterator nameIter = modulesToRemove.begin();
291  nameIter != modulesToRemove.end();
292  ++nameIter )
293  {
294  remove( *nameIter );
295  }
296  }
297 }
300 {
301  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Stopping pending threads." , "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_INFO );
303  // read lock
304  boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> slock = boost::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_pendingThreadsLock );
305  for( std::set< std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > >::iterator listIter = m_pendingThreads.begin(); listIter != m_pendingThreads.end();
306  ++listIter )
307  {
308  ( *listIter )->wait( true );
309  }
310  slock.unlock();
312  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Stopping modules." , "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_INFO );
314  // lock, unlocked if l looses focus
317  for( ModuleConstIterator listIter = lock->get().begin(); listIter != lock->get().end(); ++listIter )
318  {
319  WLogger::getLogger()->addLogMessage( "Waiting for module \"" + ( *listIter )->getName() + "\" to finish." ,
320  "ModuleContainer (" + getName() + ")", LL_INFO );
321  ( *listIter )->wait( true );
322  ( *listIter )->setAssociatedContainer( std::shared_ptr< WModuleContainer >() ); // remove last refs to this container inside the module
323  }
324  lock.reset();
326  // get write lock
327  // lock, unlocked if l looses focus
329  wlock->get().clear();
330 }
332 const std::string WModuleContainer::getName() const
333 {
334  return m_name;
335 }
337 const std::string WModuleContainer::getDescription() const
338 {
339  return m_description;
340 }
342 void WModuleContainer::addDefaultNotifier( MODULE_SIGNAL signal, t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType notifier )
343 {
344  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock;
345  switch( signal )
346  {
347  case WM_ASSOCIATED:
348  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_associatedNotifiersLock );
349  m_associatedNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
350  lock.unlock();
351  break;
352  case WM_READY:
353  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_readyNotifiersLock );
354  m_readyNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
355  lock.unlock();
356  break;
357  case WM_REMOVED:
358  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_removedNotifiersLock );
359  m_removedNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
360  lock.unlock();
361  break;
362  default:
363  std::ostringstream s;
364  s << "Could not subscribe to unknown signal.";
365  throw WSignalSubscriptionFailed( s.str() );
366  break;
367  }
368 }
370 void WModuleContainer::addDefaultNotifier( MODULE_SIGNAL signal, t_ModuleErrorSignalHandlerType notifier )
371 {
372  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock;
373  switch( signal )
374  {
375  case WM_ERROR:
376  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_errorNotifiersLock );
377  m_errorNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
378  lock.unlock();
379  break;
380  default:
381  std::ostringstream s;
382  s << "Could not subscribe to unknown signal.";
383  throw WSignalSubscriptionFailed( s.str() );
384  break;
385  }
386 }
388 void WModuleContainer::addDefaultNotifier( MODULE_CONNECTOR_SIGNAL signal, t_GenericSignalHandlerType notifier )
389 {
390  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock;
391  switch( signal )
392  {
394  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_connectorNotifiersLock );
395  m_connectorEstablishedNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
396  lock.unlock();
397  break;
399  lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_connectorNotifiersLock );
400  m_connectorClosedNotifiers.push_back( notifier );
401  lock.unlock();
402  break;
403  default:
404  std::ostringstream s;
405  s << "Could not subscribe to unknown signal.";
406  throw WSignalSubscriptionFailed( s.str() );
407  break;
408  }
409 }
411 std::shared_ptr< WModule > WModuleContainer::applyModule( std::shared_ptr< WModule > applyOn, std::string what, bool tryOnly )
412 {
413  std::shared_ptr< WModule >prototype = std::shared_ptr< WModule >();
414  if( tryOnly )
415  {
416  // isPrototypeAvailable returns the prototype or NULL if not found, but does not throw an exception
417  prototype = WModuleFactory::getModuleFactory()->isPrototypeAvailable( what );
418  if( !prototype )
419  {
420  return prototype;
421  }
422  }
423  else
424  {
425  prototype = WModuleFactory::getModuleFactory()->getPrototypeByName( what );
426  }
428  return applyModule( applyOn, prototype );
429 }
431 std::shared_ptr< WModule > WModuleContainer::applyModule( std::shared_ptr< WModule > applyOn,
432  std::shared_ptr< WModule > prototype )
433 {
434  // is this module already associated with another container?
435  if( applyOn->isAssociated()() && ( applyOn->getAssociatedContainer() != shared_from_this() ) )
436  {
437  throw WModuleAlreadyAssociated( std::string( "The specified module \"" ) + applyOn->getName() +
438  std::string( "\" is associated with another container." ) );
439  }
441  // create a new initialized instance of the module
442  std::shared_ptr< WModule > m = WModuleFactory::getModuleFactory()->create( prototype );
444  // add it
445  add( m, true );
446  applyOn->isReadyOrCrashed().wait();
447  m->isReadyOrCrashed().wait();
449  // should we ignore the crash case? In general, a crashed module can be connected. The sense or non-sense of it is questionable but assume a
450  // crashed module has set some data on its output and some other module needs it. -> so we ignore the case of crashed modules here.
452  // get offered outputs
453  WModule::InputConnectorList ins = m->getInputConnectors();
454  // get offered inputs
455  WModule::OutputConnectorList outs = applyOn->getOutputConnectors();
457  // connect the first connectors. For a more sophisticated way of connecting modules, use ModuleCombiners.
458  if( !ins.empty() && !outs.empty() )
459  {
460  ( *ins.begin() )->connect( ( *outs.begin() ) );
461  }
463  return m;
464 }
466 WBatchLoader::SPtr WModuleContainer::loadDataSets( std::vector< std::string > filenames, bool suppressColormaps )
467 {
468  // create thread which actually loads the data
469  std::shared_ptr< WBatchLoader > t( new WBatchLoader( filenames, std::static_pointer_cast< WModuleContainer >( shared_from_this() ) ) );
470  t->setSuppressColormaps( suppressColormaps );
471  t->run();
472  return t;
473 }
475 WBatchLoader::SPtr WModuleContainer::loadDataSetsSynchronously( std::vector< std::string > filenames, bool suppressColormaps )
476 {
477  // create thread which actually loads the data
478  std::shared_ptr< WBatchLoader > t( new WBatchLoader( filenames, std::static_pointer_cast< WModuleContainer >( shared_from_this() ) ) );
479  t->setSuppressColormaps( suppressColormaps );
480  t->run();
481  t->wait();
482  return t;
483 }
485 void WModuleContainer::addPendingThread( std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > thread )
486 {
487  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_pendingThreadsLock );
488  m_pendingThreads.insert( thread );
489  lock.unlock();
490 }
492 void WModuleContainer::finishedPendingThread( std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > thread )
493 {
494  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>( m_pendingThreadsLock );
495  m_pendingThreads.erase( thread );
496  lock.unlock();
497 }
499 void WModuleContainer::moduleError( std::shared_ptr< WModule > module, const WException& exception )
500 {
501  errorLog() << "Error in module \"" << module->getName() << "\". Forwarding to nesting container.";
503  // simply forward it to the other signal handler
504  signal_error( module, exception );
507  {
508  infoLog() << "Crash caused this container to shutdown.";
509  requestStop();
510  m_isCrashed( true );
511  }
512 }
514 void WModuleContainer::setCrashIfModuleCrashes( bool crashIfCrashed )
515 {
516  m_crashIfModuleCrashes = crashIfCrashed;
517 }
520 {
521  return m_modules.getReadTicket();
522 }
525 {
526  // get the list of all first.
529  // put results in here
532  // handle each module
533  for( ModuleConstIterator listIter = lock->get().begin(); listIter != lock->get().end(); ++listIter )
534  {
535  // check name
536  if( name == ( *listIter )->getName() )
537  {
538  result.push_back( ( *listIter ) );
539  }
540  }
542  return result;
543 }
545 WCombinerTypes::WCompatiblesList WModuleContainer::getPossibleConnections( std::shared_ptr< WModule > module )
546 {
547  WCombinerTypes::WCompatiblesList complist;
549  if( !module )
550  {
551  // be nice in case of a null pointer
552  return complist;
553  }
555  // read lock the container
558  // handle each module
559  for( ModuleConstIterator listIter = lock->get().begin(); listIter != lock->get().end(); ++listIter )
560  {
561  WCombinerTypes::WOneToOneCombiners lComp = WApplyCombiner::createCombinerList< WApplyCombiner>( module, ( *listIter ) );
563  if( lComp.size() != 0 )
564  {
565  complist.push_back( WCombinerTypes::WCompatiblesGroup( ( *listIter ), lComp ) );
566  }
567  }
569  // sort the compatibles
570  std::sort( complist.begin(), complist.end(), WCombinerTypes::compatiblesSort );
572  return complist;
573 }
Class for loading many datasets.
Definition: WBatchLoader.h:43
std::shared_ptr< WBatchLoader > SPtr
Shared ptr abbreviation.
Definition: WBatchLoader.h:48
Basic exception handler.
Definition: WException.h:39
void addLogMessage(std::string message, std::string source="", LogLevel level=LL_DEBUG)
Appends a log message to the logging queue.
Definition: WLogger.cpp:84
static WLogger * getLogger()
Returns pointer to the currently running logger instance.
Definition: WLogger.cpp:64
General purpose exception and therefore base class for all kernel related exceptions.
std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType > m_readyNotifiers
The ready notifiers connected to added modules by default.
void finishedPendingThread(std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > thread)
The specified thread has finished and does not longer depend upon this container instance.
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< WModule >, boost::signals2::connection > ModuleSubscription
A type for mapping a module to all its subscriptions.
std::shared_mutex m_errorNotifiersLock
Lock for error notifiers set.
virtual const std::string getName() const
Gives back the name of this module.
virtual std::shared_ptr< WModule > factory() const
Due to the prototype design pattern used to build modules, this method returns a new instance of this...
std::string m_name
Name of the module.
std::list< t_ModuleErrorSignalHandlerType > m_errorNotifiers
The error notifiers connected to added modules by default.
std::list< t_GenericSignalHandlerType > m_connectorEstablishedNotifiers
The notifiers connected to added modules by default and fired whenever the module connectors got conn...
virtual void moduleMain()
Entry point after loading the module.
std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType > m_associatedNotifiers
The notifiers connected to added modules by default and fired whenever the module got associated.
std::list< t_GenericSignalHandlerType > m_connectorClosedNotifiers
The notifiers connected to added modules by default and fired whenever the module connectors got disc...
std::shared_mutex m_readyNotifiersLock
Lock for ready notifiers set.
void setCrashIfModuleCrashes(bool crashIfCrashed=true)
Sets a flag denoting whether the container (which also is a module) should be marked as "crashed" if ...
DataModuleListType getDataModules()
Returns a vector of pointers to the loaded data modules in the container.
std::shared_mutex m_associatedNotifiersLock
Lock for associated notifiers set.
ModuleSharedContainerType::ReadTicket getModules() const
Method returns a read ticket allowing read-access to the list of modules inside the container.
WBatchLoader::SPtr loadDataSetsSynchronously(std::vector< std::string > filenames, bool suppressColormaps=false)
Loads the specified files synchronously.
virtual WModule::SPtr createAndAdd(std::string name)
Convenience method to create a module instance with a given name and automatically add it to the cont...
std::shared_mutex m_connectorNotifiersLock
Lock for connector-notifiers set.
virtual const std::string getDescription() const
Gives back a description of this module.
std::shared_mutex m_pendingThreadsLock
Lock for m_pendingThreads.
virtual void stop()
Stops all modules inside this container.
std::list< t_ModuleGenericSignalHandlerType > m_removedNotifiers
The notifiers connected to added modules by default and fired whenever the module got removed again.
std::string m_description
Description of the module.
bool m_crashIfModuleCrashes
This flag denotes whether the whole container should be marked as crashed if one of the contained mod...
ModuleSharedContainerType m_modules
The modules associated with this container.
std::set< std::shared_ptr< WDataModule > > DataModuleListType
Simple type for WDataModule pointer lists.
void addPendingThread(std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > thread)
Add the specified thread to the list of pending jobs.
WBatchLoader::SPtr loadDataSets(std::vector< std::string > filenames, bool suppressColormaps=false)
Load specified datasets.
virtual void addDefaultNotifier(MODULE_SIGNAL signal, t_ModuleErrorSignalHandlerType notifier)
Add a specified notifier to the list of default notifiers which get connected to each added module.
std::set< std::shared_ptr< WThreadedRunner > > m_pendingThreads
Set of all threads that currently depend upon this container.
virtual void remove(std::shared_ptr< WModule > module)
Remove the given module from this container if it is associated with it.
std::shared_mutex m_removedNotifiersLock
Lock for remove-notifiers set.
virtual void removeAll()
Removes all modules from this container.
WCombinerTypes::WCompatiblesList getPossibleConnections(std::shared_ptr< WModule > module)
This method creates a list of combiner instances, for each possible connection that can be made betwe...
virtual std::shared_ptr< WModule > applyModule(std::shared_ptr< WModule > applyOn, std::string what, bool tryOnly=false)
Function combines two modules.
ModuleSubscriptionsType::iterator ModuleSubscriptionsIterator
The iterator type of the container.
ModuleSubscriptionsSharedType m_moduleSubscriptions
The module's signal subscriptions.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WModule > > ModuleVectorType
A vector of modules.
virtual void add(std::shared_ptr< WModule > module, bool run=true)
Add a module to this container and start it.
ModuleContainerType::const_iterator ModuleConstIterator
The const iterator type of the container.
virtual void moduleError(std::shared_ptr< WModule > module, const WException &exception)
This method is called whenever a module inside the container crashes.
virtual ~WModuleContainer()
static SPtr getModuleFactory()
Returns instance of the module factory to use to create modules.
General purpose exception and therefore base class for all kernel related exceptions.
Class representing a single module of OpenWalnut.
Definition: WModule.h:72
std::shared_ptr< WModule > SPtr
Shared pointer to a WModule.
Definition: WModule.h:106
t_ModuleErrorSignalType signal_error
Signal fired whenever a module main thread throws an exception/error.
Definition: WModule.h:780
friend class WModuleContainer
for proper management of m_container WModuleContainer needs access.
Definition: WModule.h:79
void ready()
Call this whenever your module is ready and can react on property changes.
Definition: WModule.cpp:505
wlog::WStreamedLogger errorLog() const
Logger instance for comfortable error logging.
Definition: WModule.cpp:570
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WModuleOutputConnector > > OutputConnectorList
The type for the list of output connectors.
Definition: WModule.h:101
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WModuleInputConnector > > InputConnectorList
The type for the list of input connectors.
Definition: WModule.h:96
std::shared_ptr< WProgressCombiner > m_progress
Progress indicator used as parent for all progress' of this module.
Definition: WModule.h:652
wlog::WStreamedLogger infoLog() const
Logger instance for comfortable info logging.
Definition: WModule.cpp:565
std::shared_ptr< WSharedObjectTicketRead< ModuleContainerType > > ReadTicket
Type for read tickets.
Definition: WSharedObject.h:65
ReadTicket getReadTicket() const
Returns a ticket to get read access to the contained data.
std::shared_ptr< WSharedObjectTicketWrite< ModuleContainerType > > WriteTicket
Type for write tickets.
Definition: WSharedObject.h:70
WriteTicket getWriteTicket(bool suppressNotify=false) const
Returns a ticket to get write access to the contained data.
General purpose exception and therefore base class for all kernel related exceptions.
virtual void run()
Run thread.
virtual void requestStop()
This method's purpose is to request a stop without waiting for it.
WBoolFlag m_isCrashed
True whenever an exception is thrown during threadMain.