OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Project: OpenWalnut ( )
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 OpenWalnut Community, BSV@Uni-Leipzig and CNCF@MPI-CBS
6 // For more information see
7 //
8 // This file is part of OpenWalnut.
9 //
10 // OpenWalnut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // OpenWalnut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 // along with OpenWalnut. If not, see <>.
22 //
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <utility>
31 #include <vector>
33 #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
35 #include "../common/WBoundingBox.h"
36 #include "../common/WDefines.h" // for deprecated
37 #include "../common/WProperties.h"
38 #include "../common/math/linearAlgebra/WPosition.h"
39 #include "WDataSet.h"
40 #include "WIteratorRange.h"
42 // forward declarations
43 class WFiber;
45 class WFiberIterator;
51 /**
52  * Represents a simple set of WFibers.
53  */
54 class WDataSetFibers : public WDataSet // NOLINT
55 {
56 public:
57  // some type alias for the used arrays.
58  /**
59  * Pointer to dataset.
60  */
61  typedef std::shared_ptr< WDataSetFibers > SPtr;
63  /**
64  * Pointer to const dataset.
65  */
66  typedef std::shared_ptr< const WDataSetFibers > ConstSPtr;
68  /**
69  * List of vertex coordinates in term of components of vertices.
70  */
71  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > VertexArray;
73  /**
74  * Index list indexing fibers in VertexArray in terms of vertex numbers.
75  */
76  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > IndexArray;
78  /**
79  * Lengths of fibers in terms of vertices.
80  */
81  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > LengthArray;
83  /**
84  * Tangents at each vertex in VertexArray.
85  */
86  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > TangentArray;
88  /**
89  * Colors for each vertex in VertexArray.
90  */
91  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > ColorArray;
93  /**
94  * Parameter storage for each vertex.
95  */
96  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< double > > VertexParemeterArray;
98  /**
99  * Parameter storage for each line.
100  */
101  typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< double > > LineParemeterArray;
103  /**
104  * Iterator to go through the fibers.
105  */
108  /**
109  * Const iterator to go through fibers. As the WFiberIterators does not allow any modifications per-se, the const iterator and the standard
110  * iterator are the same.
111  */
114  /**
115  * Item used in the selection below also containing color info.
116  */
118  {
119  friend class WDataSetFibers; //!< Grant access for its outer class
120  public:
121  /**
122  * different kinds of color arrays can be used in this class. This enum defines their possible types.
123  */
124  typedef enum
125  {
126  GRAY = 1, //!< gray value per vertex
127  RGB = 3, //!< rgb per vertex
128  RGBA = 4 //!< rgba per vertex
129  }
130  ColorMode;
132  /**
133  * Constructor. Creates new item.
134  *
135  * \param name name, name of item.
136  * \param description description of item. Can be empty.
137  * \param icon icon, can be NULL
138  * \param color the color array of this item.
139  * \param mode the mode of the color array. This defines whether the colors are luminance, RGB or RGBA
140  */
141  ColorScheme( std::string name, std::string description, const char** icon, ColorArray color, ColorMode mode = RGB ):
142  WItemSelectionItem( name, description, icon ),
143  m_color( color ),
144  m_mode( mode )
145  {
146  };
148  /**
149  * Get the color.
150  *
151  * \return the color array.
152  */
154  {
155  return m_color;
156  };
158  /**
159  * Returns the mode of the color scheme.
160  *
161  * \return the mode.
162  */
164  {
165  return m_mode;
166  };
168  protected:
169  /**
170  * Sets the color array for this item.
171  *
172  * \param color the color to set.
173  * \param mode the mode of the color array. This defines whether the colors are luminance, RGB or RGBA
174  */
175  void setColor( ColorArray color, ColorMode mode = RGB )
176  {
177  m_color = color;
178  m_mode = mode;
179  };
181  private:
182  /**
183  * The color array associated with the item.
184  */
187  /**
188  * Coloring mode.
189  */
191  };
193  /**
194  * Constructs a new set of fibers.
195  *
196  * \param vertices the vertices of the fibers, stored in x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, ..., xn,yn,zn scheme
197  * \param lineStartIndexes the index in which the fiber start (index of the 3D-vertex, not the index of the float in the vertices vector)
198  * \param lineLengths how many vertices belong to a fiber
199  * \param verticesReverse stores for each vertex the index of the corresponding fiber
200  * \param boundingBox The bounding box of the fibers (first minimum, second maximum).
201  */
202  WDataSetFibers( std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > >vertices,
203  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineStartIndexes,
204  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineLengths,
205  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > verticesReverse,
206  WBoundingBox boundingBox );
208  /**
209  * Constructs a new set of fibers. This constructor determines the bounding box by using the coordinates of the vertices.
210  *
211  * \param vertices the vertices of the fibers, stored in x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, ..., xn,yn,zn scheme
212  * \param lineStartIndexes the index in which the fiber start (index of the 3D-vertex, not the index of the float in the vertices vector)
213  * \param lineLengths how many vertices belong to a fiber
214  * \param verticesReverse stores for each vertex the index of the corresponding fiber
215  */
216  WDataSetFibers( std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > >vertices,
217  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineStartIndexes,
218  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineLengths,
219  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > verticesReverse );
221  /**
222  * Constructs a new set of fibers.
223  *
224  * \param vertices the vertices of the fibers, stored in x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, ..., xn,yn,zn scheme
225  * \param lineStartIndexes the index in which the fiber start (index of the 3D-vertex, not the index of the float in the vertices vector)
226  * \param lineLengths how many vertices belong to a fiber
227  * \param verticesReverse stores for each vertex the index of the corresponding fiber
228  * \param boundingBox The bounding box of the fibers (first minimum, second maximum).
229  * \param vertexParameters optional per-vertex scalar.
230  */
231  WDataSetFibers( std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > >vertices,
232  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineStartIndexes,
233  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineLengths,
234  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > verticesReverse,
235  WBoundingBox boundingBox,
236  VertexParemeterArray vertexParameters );
238  /**
239  * Constructs a new set of fibers. This constructor determines the bounding box by using the coordinates of the vertices.
240  *
241  * \param vertices the vertices of the fibers, stored in x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, ..., xn,yn,zn scheme
242  * \param lineStartIndexes the index in which the fiber start (index of the 3D-vertex, not the index of the float in the vertices vector)
243  * \param lineLengths how many vertices belong to a fiber
244  * \param verticesReverse stores for each vertex the index of the corresponding fiber
245  * \param vertexParameters optional per-vertex scalar.
246  */
247  WDataSetFibers( std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > >vertices,
248  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineStartIndexes,
249  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > lineLengths,
250  std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > verticesReverse,
251  VertexParemeterArray vertexParameters );
253  /**
254  * Constructs a new set of tracts. The constructed instance is not usable but needed for prototype mechanism.
255  */
256  WDataSetFibers();
258  /**
259  * Get number of tracts in this data set.
260  * \return number of fibers
261  */
262  size_t size() const;
264  /**
265  * Determines whether this dataset can be used as a texture.
266  *
267  * \return true if usable as texture.
268  */
269  virtual bool isTexture() const;
271  /**
272  * Gets the name of this prototype.
273  *
274  * \return the name.
275  */
276  virtual const std::string getName() const;
278  /**
279  * Gets the description for this prototype.
280  *
281  * \return the description
282  */
283  virtual const std::string getDescription() const;
285  /**
286  * Returns a prototype instantiated with the true type of the deriving class.
287  *
288  * \return the prototype.
289  */
290  static std::shared_ptr< WPrototyped > getPrototype();
292  /**
293  * Getter for the lines' vertices
294  * \return The vertices of the lines
295  */
296  VertexArray getVertices() const;
298  /**
299  * Getter for the total number of vertices over all lines
300  * \return Overall number of vertices
301  */
302  size_t getNbVertices() const;
304  /**
305  * Return the indices that indicate at which vertex ID each line begins in the vertex array.
306  * \return The start indices of the lines
307  */
310  /**
311  * Return the number of vertices for all lines.
312  * \return The numbers of all lines' vertices
313  */
314  LengthArray getLineLengths() const;
316  /**
317  * Returns a reverse lookup table that allow do find out which vertex belongs to which line.
318  * \return Lookup table from vertices to lines.
319  */
322  /**
323  * Returns an array containing the tangents of the fibers at the vertices.
324  * \return The tangents of the fibers.
325  */
326  TangentArray getTangents() const;
328  /**
329  * Get the parameter values for each vertex. Same indexing as vertices. Used to store additional scalar values for each vertex.
330  *
331  * \return the array. Can be NULL.
332  *
333  * \param parameterIndex there can be multiple parameters. The index defines the index of the parameter array to get. Default is 0.
334  */
335  VertexParemeterArray getVertexParameters( size_t parameterIndex = 0 ) const;
337  /**
338  * Set the given array of parameters to be the vertex parameters of this fiber dataset.
339  *
340  * \param parameters the list of parameters. Can be an empty vector to remove parameters.
341  */
342  void setVertexParameters( std::vector< VertexParemeterArray > parameters );
344  /**
345  * Get the parameter values for each line. Same indexing as lines. Used to store additional scalar values for each line.
346  *
347  * \return the array. Can be NULL.
348  *
349  * \param parameterIndex there can be multiple parameters. The index defines the index of the parameter array to get. Default is 0.
350  */
351  LineParemeterArray getLineParameters( size_t parameterIndex = 0 ) const;
353  /**
354  * Set an array to be the list of line parameters.
355  *
356  * \param parameters the list of parameters. Can be an empty vector to remove parameters.
357  */
358  void setLineParameters( std::vector< LineParemeterArray > parameters );
360  /**
361  * This method adds a new color scheme to the list of available colors. The color scheme needs to have a name and description to allow the
362  * user to identify which color has which meaning. If the specified color array already exists, only an update is triggered and the name and
363  * description is ignored. It detects the type of colors by its size.
364  *
365  * \param colors the color array. Needs to have exactly getVertices()->size() items.
366  * \param name name of the color scheme. Should be a telling name.
367  * \param description description. How calculated and so on.
368  */
369  void addColorScheme( WDataSetFibers::ColorArray colors, std::string name, std::string description );
371  /**
372  * This method removes the specified color scheme from the list and triggers an update.
373  *
374  * \param colors the color array.
375  */
378  /**
379  * Replaces the specified old color scheme by the new color scheme. If the old color scheme did not exist, nothing happens.
380  *
381  * \param oldColors old colors to remove
382  * \param newColors new colors to set
383  */
386  /**
387  * Get the color scheme with the specified name. If it is not found, an exception gets thrown.
388  *
389  * \param name the name of the color scheme
390  *
391  * \return the color scheme
392  * \throw WDHNoSuchDataSet if the name could not be found.
393  */
394  const std::shared_ptr< ColorScheme > getColorScheme( std::string name ) const;
396  /**
397  * Get the color scheme with the specified ID. If the index is invalid, an exception gets thrown.
398  *
399  * \param idx the index
400  *
401  * \return the color scheme
402  */
403  const std::shared_ptr< ColorScheme > getColorScheme( size_t idx ) const;
405  /**
406  * Sets the selected color scheme.
407  *
408  * \param idx the index
409  */
410  void setSelectedColorScheme( size_t idx );
412  /**
413  * Convenience method returning the currently selected scheme. This is a comfortable alternative to using the color scheme selection
414  * property.
415  *
416  * \return the current active color scheme
417  */
418  const std::shared_ptr< ColorScheme > getColorScheme() const;
420  /**
421  * Returns the property controlling the color scheme selection.
422  *
423  * \return the property.
424  */
425  const WPropSelection getColorSchemeProperty() const;
427  /**
428  * returns the position in space for a vertex of a given fiber
429  *
430  * \param fiber Index of fiber
431  * \param vertex Index of vertex in fiber.
432  *
433  * \return Position of the given vertex of the also given fiber
434  */
435  WPosition getPosition( size_t fiber, size_t vertex ) const;
437  /**
438  * calculates the tangent for a point on the fiber
439  *
440  * \param fiber Index of fiber
441  * \param vertex Index of vertex in fiber
442  *
443  * \return Tangent of the given vertex of the also given fiber
444  */
445  WPosition getTangent( size_t fiber, size_t vertex ) const;
447  /**
448  * Returns the number of points for a given fiber.
449  *
450  * \param fiber The index of the fiber.
451  *
452  * \return The number of points of the fiber.
453  */
454  std::size_t getLengthOfLine( std::size_t fiber ) const;
456  /**
457  * Get the index of the first vertex of a given fiber.
458  * This is used to find the three components 3 * start, 3 * start + 1
459  * and 3 * start + 2 of the first vertex in the vertices vector.
460  *
461  * \param fiber The fiber to find the start index for.
462  *
463  * \return The start index.
464  */
465  std::size_t getStartIndex( std::size_t fiber ) const;
467  /**
468  * Get the bounding box.
469  * \return The bounding box of all lines.
470  */
473  /**
474  * Constructs a WFiber out of the given tract number.
475  *
476  * \param numTract Number of the tract to generate a WFiber object for
477  *
478  * \return The WFiber object. Attention: copy by value!
479  */
480  WFiber operator[]( size_t numTract ) const;
482  /**
483  * Returns an iterator to the first fiber of the dataset. The iterator does not allow any modification of the data.
484  * DEPRECATED: Use fibers().begin() or iterator range syntax instead.
485  *
486  * \return An iterator to the first fiber.
487  */
490  /**
491  * Returns an iterator pointing beyond the last fiber. The iterator does not allow any modification of the data.
492  * DEPRECATED: Use fibers().end() or iterator range syntax instead.
493  *
494  * \return An iterator pointing beyond the last fiber.
495  */
498  /**
499  * Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the fibers in this dataset.
500  * If the current iterator is not valid, behaviour is undefined. The end iterator of the returned range
501  * is the first invalid iterator after the last fiber.
502  *
503  * \return The full range from begin to end.
504  */
507 protected:
508  /**
509  * The prototype as singleton.
510  */
511  static std::shared_ptr< WPrototyped > m_prototype;
513 private:
514  /**
515  * This does the common initialisation of the constructors.
516  */
517  void init();
519  /**
520  * Point vector for all fibers
521  */
524  /**
525  * Point vector for tangents at each vertex, used for fake tubes
526  */
529  /**
530  * An array of color arrays. The first two elements are: 0: global color, 1: local color
531  */
532  std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_colors;
534  /**
535  * Property keeping track of the active color in m_colors.
536  */
537  WPropSelection m_colorProp;
539  /**
540  * Line vector that contains the start index of its first point for each line.
541  * \warning The index returned cannot be used in the vertices array until
542  * the number of components for each point is multiplied.
543  */
546  /**
547  * Line vector that contains the number of vertices for each line
548  */
551  /**
552  * Reverse lookup table for which point belongs to which fiber
553  */
556  /**
557  * Axis aligned bounding box for all tract-vertices of this dataset.
558  */
561  /**
562  * Parameter array. Used to store additional scalar values for each vertex. Multiple parameter arrays allowed.
563  */
564  std::vector< VertexParemeterArray > m_vertexParameters;
566  /**
567  * Parameter array. Used to store additional scalar values for each line. Multiple parameter arrays allowed.
568  */
569  std::vector< LineParemeterArray > m_lineParameters;
570 };
572 /**
573  * \class WFiberIterator
574  *
575  * \brief An iterator for fibers of a fiber dataset.
576  *
577  * This class iterates fibers of a fiber dataset.
578  *
579  * There are two ways to use the iterator. First:
580  *
581  * \code{.cpp}
582  * for( WFiberIterator fi = some_fiber_data_set_pointer->fibers().begin();
583  * fi != some_fiber_data_set_pointer->fibers().end(); ++fi )
584  * {
585  * ...
586  * }
587  * \endcode
588  *
589  * Second:
590  *
591  * \code{.cpp}
592  * WFiberIterator fi, fe;
593  * for( ( fi, fe ) = some_fiber_data_set_pointer->fibers(); fi != fe; ++fi )
594  * {
595  * ...
596  * }
597  * \endcode
598  *
599  * Use the provided points() and segments() functions to iterate the points or segments of
600  * the current fiber. You can also check whether an iterator points to a valid fiber by:
601  *
602  * \code{.cpp}
603  * if( iterator )
604  * {
605  * ...
606  * }
607  * \endcode
608  */
610 {
611 public:
612  /**
613  * Constructor. Creates an invalid iterator pointing nowhere.
614  */
615  WFiberIterator();
617  /**
618  * Constructor. Creates an iterator for a specific fiber dataset.
619  *
620  * \param fibers A pointer to the fiber data.
621  * \param idx The index of the fiber to point to.
622  */
623  WFiberIterator( WDataSetFibers const* fibers, std::size_t idx );
625  /**
626  * Copy constructor.
627  *
628  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
629  */
630  WFiberIterator( WFiberIterator const& iter ); // NOLINT explicit
632  /**
633  * Destructor.
634  */
635  ~WFiberIterator();
637  /**
638  * Copy operator.
639  *
640  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
641  *
642  * \return *this
643  */
644  WFiberIterator& operator= ( WFiberIterator const& iter );
646  /**
647  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next fiber.
648  *
649  * \return The incremented iterator.
650  */
653  /**
654  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous fiber.
655  *
656  * \return The decremented iterator.
657  */
660  /**
661  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next fiber.
662  *
663  * \return The iterator before incrementing.
664  */
667  /**
668  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous fiber.
669  *
670  * \return The iterator before decrementing.
671  */
674  /**
675  * Plus operator. Increments the iterator \param n times.
676  *
677  * \return The iterator on the new place.
678  */
679  WFiberIterator operator+ ( size_t n ) const;
681  /**
682  * Minus operator. Decrements the iterator \param n times.
683  *
684  * \return The iterator on the new place.
685  */
686  WFiberIterator operator- ( size_t n ) const;
688  /**
689  * Compare to another fiber iterator.
690  *
691  * \param rhs The second fiber iterator.
692  *
693  * \return true, iff the two iterators point to the same fiber of the same fiber dataset.
694  */
695  bool operator == ( WFiberIterator const& rhs ) const;
697  /**
698  * Compare to another fiber iterator.
699  *
700  * \param rhs The second fiber iterator.
701  *
702  * \return false, iff the two iterators point to the same fiber of the same fiber dataset.
703  */
704  bool operator != ( WFiberIterator const& rhs ) const;
706  /**
707  * Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
708  * The first of these target iterators is *this, the second is the parameter of the operator.
709  *
710  * \param other The iterator to assign the end iterator of the range to.
711  * \return The unpacker to assign a range to.
712  */
713  WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberIterator > operator,( WFiberIterator& other ); // NOLINT non-const ref and space intended
715  /**
716  * Converts to a bool that indicates whether the current iterator is valid, i.e. it points to a valid fiber
717  * and it is safe to access point or segments.
718  */
719  operator bool() const;
721  /**
722  * Creates a point iterator for forward iteration, pointing to the first point of the fiber.
723  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
724  *
725  * \return A point iterator pointing to the first point.
726  */
729  /**
730  * Creates a point iterator for forward iteration, pointing beyond the last point of the fiber.
731  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
732  *
733  * \return A point iterator pointing beyond the last point.
734  */
737  /**
738  * Creates a point iterator for backward iteration, pointing to the last point of the fiber.
739  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
740  *
741  * \return A point iterator pointing to the last point.
742  */
745  /**
746  * Creates a point iterator for backward iteration, pointing beyond the first point of the fiber.
747  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
748  *
749  * \return A point iterator pointing beyond the first point.
750  */
753  /**
754  * Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the points of the fiber
755  * this iterator currently points to. If the current iterator is not valid, behaviour is undefined.
756  * The end iterator of the returned range is the first invalid iterator after the last point.
757  *
758  * \return The full range from begin to end.
759  */
762  /**
763  * Creates a range of iterators that allows for reverse iteration of the points of the fiber
764  * this iterator currently points to. If the current iterator is not valid, behaviour is undefined.
765  * The end iterator of the returned range is the first invalid iterator before the first point.
766  *
767  * \return The full range from begin to end, points in reverse order starting with the last.
768  */
771  /**
772  * Returns a forward iterator to the first segment.
773  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
774  *
775  * \return A forward iterator to the first segment.
776  */
779  /**
780  * Returns a forward iterator to the invalid segment after the last (i.e. an end iterator).
781  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
782  *
783  * \return A forward end iterator.
784  */
787  /**
788  * Returns a backward iterator to the last segment.
789  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
790  *
791  * \return A backward iterator to the last segment.
792  */
795  /**
796  * Returns a backward iterator to the invalid segment before the first (i.e. an end iterator).
797  * DEPRECATED: Use the iterator range syntax instead.
798  *
799  * \return A backward end iterator.
800  */
803  /**
804  * Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the segments of the fiber
805  * this iterator currently points to. If the current iterator is not valid, behaviour is undefined.
806  * The end iterator of the returned range is the first invalid iterator after the last segment.
807  * Note that there is one segment less than there are points.
808  *
809  * \return The full range from begin to end.
810  */
813  /**
814  * Creates a range of iterators that allows for reverse iteration of the segments of the fiber
815  * this iterator currently points to. If the current iterator is not valid, behaviour is undefined.
816  * The end iterator of the returned range is the first invalid iterator before the first segments.
817  * Note that there is one segment less than there are points. Additionally, note that the points
818  * returned by the start() and end() methods are also reversed, i.e. not only are the segments
819  * traversed in reverse order, but they are also oriented in the opposite direction.
820  *
821  * \return The full range from begin to end, segments in reverse order starting with the last.
822  */
825  /**
826  * Returns the number of points of the current fiber.
827  *
828  * \return The number of points.
829  */
830  std::size_t numPoints() const;
832  /**
833  * Get the index in the point array where the points data starts for this line. You can use \ref numPoints to know how much data to read
834  * from the vertex array.
835  *
836  * \note You should avoid using these indices as can use the iterators to query the data. But it might get handy in some situations,
837  * where raw data processing is needed.
838  *
839  * \return the start index.
840  */
841  std::size_t getLineStartIndex() const;
843  /**
844  * Get the index of the line.
845  *
846  * \note You should avoid using these indices as can use the iterators to query the data. But it might get handy in some situations,
847  * where raw data processing is needed.
848  *
849  * \return the index.
850  */
851  std::size_t getIndex() const;
854  /**
855  * The length of the line.
856  *
857  * \note This is the actual length of the line, not the number of points.
858  * \note The length is actually calculated. So it has O(n) running time.
859  *
860  * \return line length.
861  */
862  double getFiberLength() const;
864 private:
865  //! The pointer to the fibers.
868  //! The current index in the fiber data.
869  std::size_t m_index;
870 };
872 /**
873  * \class WFiberPointsIterator
874  *
875  * \brief An iterator for iterating the points of a fiber.
876  *
877  * Allows for both forward and backward iteration of points.
878  *
879  * There are two ways to use the iterator. First:
880  *
881  * \code{.cpp}
882  * for( WFiberPointsIterator pi = some_fiber_iterator.points().begin();
883  * pi != some_fiber_iterator.points().end(); ++pi )
884  * {
885  * ...
886  * }
887  * \endcode
888  *
889  * Second:
890  *
891  * \code{.cpp}
892  * WFiberPointsIterator pi, pe;
893  * for( ( pi, pe ) = some_fiber_iterator.points(); pi != pe; ++pi )
894  * {
895  * ...
896  * }
897  * \endcode
898  *
899  * Dereferencing the iterator provides the 3D position of the point. Other information can be
900  * gained via the various member functions.
901  *
902  * You can check whether an iterator points to a valid point of a fiber by:
903  *
904  * \code{.cpp}
905  * if( iterator )
906  * {
907  * ...
908  * }
909  * \endcode
910  */
912 {
913 public:
914  /**
915  * Default contructor. Creates an invalid iterator.
916  */
919  /**
920  * Constructor. Creates an iterator pointing to a certain point of a fiber.
921  *
922  * \param fibers The pointer to the fiber data.
923  * \param fbIdx The index of the fiber in the fiber dataset.
924  * \param idx The index of the point of the current fiber.
925  * \param reverse Whether to iterate backwards.
926  */
927  WFiberPointsIterator( WDataSetFibers const* fibers, std::size_t fbIdx, std::size_t idx, bool reverse = false );
929  /**
930  * Copy constructor.
931  *
932  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
933  */
934  WFiberPointsIterator( WFiberPointsIterator const& iter ); //NOLINT explicit
936  /**
937  * Destructor.
938  */
941  /**
942  * Copy operator.
943  *
944  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
945  *
946  * \return *this
947  */
950  /**
951  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next point.
952  *
953  * \return The incremented iterator.
954  */
957  /**
958  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous point.
959  *3
960  * \return The decremented iterator.
961  */
964  /**
965  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next point.
966  *
967  * \return The iterator before incrementing.
968  */
971  /**
972  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous point.
973  *
974  * \return The iterator before decrementing.
975  */
978  /**
979  * Plus operator. Increments the iterator \param n times.
980  *
981  * \return The iterator on the new place.
982  */
983  WFiberPointsIterator operator+ ( size_t n );
985  /**
986  * Minus operator. Decrements the iterator \param n times.
987  *
988  * \return The iterator on the new place.
989  */
990  WFiberPointsIterator operator- ( size_t n );
992  /**
993  * Compare to another point iterator.
994  *
995  * \param rhs The second point iterator.
996  *
997  * \return true, iff the two iterators point to the same point of the same fiber.
998  */
999  bool operator== ( WFiberPointsIterator const& rhs ) const;
1001  /**
1002  * Compare to another point iterator.
1003  *
1004  * \param rhs The second point iterator.
1005  *
1006  * \return false, iff the two iterators point to the same point of the same fiber.
1007  */
1008  bool operator!= ( WFiberPointsIterator const& rhs ) const;
1010  /**
1011  * Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
1012  * The first of these target iterators is *this, the second is the parameter of the operator.
1013  *
1014  * \param other The iterator to assign the end iterator of the range to.
1015  * \return The unpacker to assign a range to.
1016  */
1017  WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberPointsIterator > operator,( WFiberPointsIterator& other ); // NOLINT non-const ref and space intended
1019  /**
1020  * Converts to a bool that indicates whether the current iterator is valid, i.e. it points to a valid point
1021  * and it is safe to dereference or use functions such as getTangent().
1022  */
1023  operator bool() const;
1025  /**
1026  * Returns the coordinates of the point currently pointed to.
1027  *
1028  * \return The current coordinates.
1029  */
1030  WPosition operator* () const;
1032  /**
1033  * Returns the parameter specified in the vertex parameter array of the dataset. If no such array was set, the specified default will be
1034  * returned.
1035  *
1036  * \param def the default value which will be returned if no vertex parameter array was defined.
1037  * \param parameterIndex the parameter to get.
1038  *
1039  * \return the value or the specified default
1040  */
1041  double getParameter( double def = 0.0, size_t parameterIndex = 0 ) const;
1043  /**
1044  * The tangent of the point.
1045  *
1046  * \return the tangent
1047  */
1048  WPosition getTangent() const;
1050  /**
1051  * Return the color of the point.
1052  *
1053  * \return the color.
1054  */
1055  WColor getColor() const;
1057  /**
1058  * Return the color of the point.
1059  *
1060  * \param idx the index of the colorscheme to use.
1061  *
1062  * \throw WDHNoSuchDataSet if the colorscheme does not exist.
1063  *
1064  * \return the color.
1065  */
1066  WColor getColor( std::size_t idx ) const;
1068  /**
1069  * Return the color of the point.
1070  *
1071  * \param name the name of the colorscheme to use.
1072  *
1073  * \throw WDHNoSuchDataSet if the colorscheme does not exist.
1074  *
1075  * \return the color.
1076  */
1077  WColor getColor( std::string name ) const;
1079  /**
1080  * Return the color of the point.
1081  *
1082  * \param scheme the colorscheme to use.
1083  *
1084  * \throw WDHNoSuchDataSet if the colorscheme does not exist.
1085  *
1086  * \return the color.
1087  */
1088  WColor getColor( const std::shared_ptr< WDataSetFibers::ColorScheme > scheme ) const;
1090 protected:
1091  /**
1092  * Calculates the index of this point in the dataset arrays. But be aware that this index works vertex-wise. This mens, getting the y
1093  * coordinate of the vertex in the dataset vertex array, use 3 * getBaseIndex() + 1. This depends on the type of array you like to query.
1094  *
1095  * \note this function properly handles the case when walking in reverse direction.
1096  *
1097  * \return the base index, vertex-wise.
1098  */
1099  std::size_t getBaseIndex() const;
1101 private:
1102  //! The pointer to the fibers.
1105  //! The index of the fiber.
1106  std::size_t m_fiberIndex;
1108  //! The index of the current point.
1109  std::size_t m_index;
1111  //! Whether to iterate backwards.
1113 };
1115 /**
1116  * \class WFiberSegmentsIterator
1117  *
1118  * \brief An iterator for iterating the segments of a fiber.
1119  *
1120  * Allows for both forward and backward iteration of segments.
1121  *
1122  * There are two ways to use the iterator. First:
1123  *
1124  * \code{.cpp}
1125  * for( WFiberSegmentsIterator si = some_fiber_iterator.segments().begin();
1126  * si != some_fiber_iterator.segments().end(); ++si )
1127  * {
1128  * ...
1129  * }
1130  * \endcode
1131  *
1132  * Second:
1133  *
1134  * \code{.cpp}
1135  * WFiberSegmentsIterator si, se;
1136  * for( ( si, se ) = some_fiber_iterator.segments(); si != se; ++si )
1137  * {
1138  * ...
1139  * }
1140  * \endcode
1141  *
1142  * Iterators to the start and end points of the segment can be gained using the start() and end()
1143  * methods respectively. Note that for iterators set for reverse iteration, the start and end points are switched.
1144  *
1145  * You can check whether an iterator points to a valid segment of a fiber by:
1146  *
1147  * \code{.cpp}
1148  * if( iterator )
1149  * {
1150  * ...
1151  * }
1152  * \endcode
1153  */
1155 {
1156 public:
1157  /**
1158  * Default contructor. Creates an invalid iterator.
1159  */
1162  /**
1163  * Constructor. Creates an iterator pointing to a certain segment of a fiber.
1164  *
1165  * \param fibers The pointer to the fiber data.
1166  * \param fbIdx The index of the fiber in the fiber dataset.
1167  * \param idx The index of the starting point of the segment of the current fiber.
1168  * \param reverse Whether to iterate backwards.
1169  */
1170  WFiberSegmentsIterator( WDataSetFibers const* fibers, std::size_t fbIdx, std::size_t idx, bool reverse = false );
1172  /**
1173  * Copy constructor.
1174  *
1175  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
1176  */
1177  WFiberSegmentsIterator( WFiberSegmentsIterator const& iter ); //NOLINT explicit
1179  /**
1180  * Destructor.
1181  */
1184  /**
1185  * Copy operator.
1186  *
1187  * \param iter The iterator to copy from.
1188  *
1189  * \return *this
1190  */
1193  /**
1194  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next segment.
1195  *
1196  * \return The incremented iterator.
1197  */
1200  /**
1201  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous segment.
1202  *3
1203  * \return The decremented iterator.
1204  */
1207  /**
1208  * Increment operator. Makes the iterator point to the next segment.
1209  *
1210  * \return The iterator before incrementing.
1211  */
1214  /**
1215  * Decrement operator. Makes the iterator point to the previous segment.
1216  *
1217  * \return The iterator before decrementing.
1218  */
1221  /**
1222  * Compare to another segment iterator.
1223  *
1224  * \param rhs The second segment iterator.
1225  *
1226  * \return true, iff the two iterators point to the same segment of the same fiber and have the same directions.
1227  */
1228  bool operator== ( WFiberSegmentsIterator const& rhs ) const;
1230  /**
1231  * Compare to another segment iterator.
1232  *
1233  * \param rhs The second segment iterator.
1234  *
1235  * \return false, iff the two iterators point to the same segment of the same fiber and have the same directions.
1236  */
1237  bool operator!= ( WFiberSegmentsIterator const& rhs ) const;
1239  /**
1240  * Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
1241  * The first of these target iterators is *this, the second is the parameter of the operator.
1242  *
1243  * \param other The iterator to assign the end iterator of the range to.
1244  * \return The unpacker to assign a range to.
1245  */
1246  WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberSegmentsIterator > operator,( WFiberSegmentsIterator& other ); // NOLINT non-const ref and space intended
1248  /**
1249  * Converts to a bool that indicates whether the current iterator is valid, i.e. it points to a valid segment
1250  * and it is safe to use functions such as start().
1251  */
1252  operator bool() const;
1254  /**
1255  * Returns an iterator to the starting point of the segment.
1256  *
1257  * \return An iterator to the starting point of the segment.
1258  */
1259  WFiberPointsIterator start() const;
1261  /**
1262  * Returns an iterator to the end point of the segment.
1263  *
1264  * \return An iterator to the end point of the segment.
1265  */
1266  WFiberPointsIterator end() const;
1268  /**
1269  * Returns the vector from the starting point position to the end point position.
1270  *
1271  * \return *end() - *start()
1272  */
1273  osg::Vec3 direction() const;
1275  /**
1276  * Returns the length of the segment.
1277  *
1278  * \return segment length
1279  */
1280  double length() const;
1282 private:
1283  //! The pointer to the fibers.
1286  //! The index of the fiber.
1287  std::size_t m_fiberIndex;
1289  //! The index of the current point.
1290  std::size_t m_index;
1292  //! Whether to iterate backwards.
1294 };
1296 #endif // WDATASETFIBERS_H
Item used in the selection below also containing color info.
ColorMode m_mode
Coloring mode.
void setColor(ColorArray color, ColorMode mode=RGB)
Sets the color array for this item.
ColorArray m_color
The color array associated with the item.
ColorScheme(std::string name, std::string description, const char **icon, ColorArray color, ColorMode mode=RGB)
different kinds of color arrays can be used in this class.
gray value per vertex
ColorArray getColor() const
Get the color.
ColorMode getMode() const
Returns the mode of the color scheme.
Represents a simple set of WFibers.
std::size_t getStartIndex(std::size_t fiber) const
Get the index of the first vertex of a given fiber.
void addColorScheme(WDataSetFibers::ColorArray colors, std::string name, std::string description)
This method adds a new color scheme to the list of available colors.
WPosition getTangent(size_t fiber, size_t vertex) const
calculates the tangent for a point on the fiber
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > IndexArray
Index list indexing fibers in VertexArray in terms of vertex numbers.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > ColorArray
Colors for each vertex in VertexArray.
void replaceColorScheme(WDataSetFibers::ColorArray oldColors, WDataSetFibers::ColorArray newColors)
Replaces the specified old color scheme by the new color scheme.
WPosition getPosition(size_t fiber, size_t vertex) const
returns the position in space for a vertex of a given fiber
void removeColorScheme(WDataSetFibers::ColorArray colors)
This method removes the specified color scheme from the list and triggers an update.
void setLineParameters(std::vector< LineParemeterArray > parameters)
Set an array to be the list of line parameters.
LineParemeterArray getLineParameters(size_t parameterIndex=0) const
Get the parameter values for each line.
TangentArray getTangents() const
Returns an array containing the tangents of the fibers at the vertices.
VertexParemeterArray getVertexParameters(size_t parameterIndex=0) const
Get the parameter values for each vertex.
VertexArray getVertices() const
Getter for the lines' vertices.
void init()
This does the common initialisation of the constructors.
WFiberIterator const_iterator
Const iterator to go through fibers.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > TangentArray
Tangents at each vertex in VertexArray.
size_t size() const
Get number of tracts in this data set.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< size_t > > LengthArray
Lengths of fibers in terms of vertices.
std::shared_ptr< const WDataSetFibers > ConstSPtr
Pointer to const dataset.
LengthArray getLineLengths() const
Return the number of vertices for all lines.
std::shared_ptr< WDataSetFibers > SPtr
Pointer to dataset.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< double > > VertexParemeterArray
Parameter storage for each vertex.
std::vector< LineParemeterArray > m_lineParameters
Parameter array.
WFiber operator[](size_t numTract) const
Constructs a WFiber out of the given tract number.
const WPropSelection getColorSchemeProperty() const
Returns the property controlling the color scheme selection.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > VertexArray
List of vertex coordinates in term of components of vertices.
static std::shared_ptr< WPrototyped > m_prototype
The prototype as singleton.
IndexArray getLineStartIndexes() const
Return the indices that indicate at which vertex ID each line begins in the vertex array.
OW_API_DEPRECATED const_iterator end() const
Returns an iterator pointing beyond the last fiber.
std::vector< VertexParemeterArray > m_vertexParameters
Parameter array.
LengthArray m_lineLengths
Line vector that contains the number of vertices for each line.
IndexArray getVerticesReverse() const
Returns a reverse lookup table that allow do find out which vertex belongs to which line.
const std::shared_ptr< ColorScheme > getColorScheme() const
Convenience method returning the currently selected scheme.
WBoundingBox getBoundingBox() const
Get the bounding box.
IndexArray m_verticesReverse
Reverse lookup table for which point belongs to which fiber.
TangentArray m_tangents
Point vector for tangents at each vertex, used for fake tubes.
void setSelectedColorScheme(size_t idx)
Sets the selected color scheme.
WBoundingBox m_bb
Axis aligned bounding box for all tract-vertices of this dataset.
std::size_t getLengthOfLine(std::size_t fiber) const
Returns the number of points for a given fiber.
Constructs a new set of tracts.
WIteratorRange< WFiberIterator > fibers() const
Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the fibers in this dataset.
virtual const std::string getName() const
Gets the name of this prototype.
size_t getNbVertices() const
Getter for the total number of vertices over all lines.
void setVertexParameters(std::vector< VertexParemeterArray > parameters)
Set the given array of parameters to be the vertex parameters of this fiber dataset.
virtual const std::string getDescription() const
Gets the description for this prototype.
std::shared_ptr< WItemSelection > m_colors
An array of color arrays.
static std::shared_ptr< WPrototyped > getPrototype()
Returns a prototype instantiated with the true type of the deriving class.
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< double > > LineParemeterArray
Parameter storage for each line.
OW_API_DEPRECATED const_iterator begin() const
Returns an iterator to the first fiber of the dataset.
IndexArray m_lineStartIndexes
Line vector that contains the start index of its first point for each line.
WFiberIterator iterator
Iterator to go through the fibers.
VertexArray m_vertices
Point vector for all fibers.
WPropSelection m_colorProp
Property keeping track of the active color in m_colors.
virtual bool isTexture() const
Determines whether this dataset can be used as a texture.
Base class for all data set types.
Definition: WDataSet.h:50
An iterator for fibers of a fiber dataset.
WFiberIterator operator-(size_t n) const
Minus operator.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberPointsIterator begin()
Creates a point iterator for forward iteration, pointing to the first point of the fiber.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberPointsIterator end()
Creates a point iterator for forward iteration, pointing beyond the last point of the fiber.
bool operator==(WFiberIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another fiber iterator.
std::size_t numPoints() const
Returns the number of points of the current fiber.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberSegmentsIterator srend()
Returns a backward iterator to the invalid segment before the first (i.e.
WIteratorRange< WFiberPointsIterator > pointsReverse() const
Creates a range of iterators that allows for reverse iteration of the points of the fiber this iterat...
WFiberIterator & operator=(WFiberIterator const &iter)
Copy operator.
std::size_t m_index
The current index in the fiber data.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberPointsIterator rend()
Creates a point iterator for backward iteration, pointing beyond the first point of the fiber.
WIteratorRange< WFiberSegmentsIterator > segmentsReverse() const
Creates a range of iterators that allows for reverse iteration of the segments of the fiber this iter...
WIteratorRange< WFiberSegmentsIterator > segments() const
Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the segments of the fiber this iter...
WIteratorRange< WFiberPointsIterator > points() const
Creates a range of iterators that allows for forward iteration of the points of the fiber this iterat...
std::size_t getLineStartIndex() const
Get the index in the point array where the points data starts for this line.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberSegmentsIterator sbegin()
Returns a forward iterator to the first segment.
bool operator!=(WFiberIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another fiber iterator.
WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberIterator > operator,(WFiberIterator &other)
Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberSegmentsIterator send()
Returns a forward iterator to the invalid segment after the last (i.e.
double getFiberLength() const
The length of the line.
WDataSetFibers const * m_fibers
The pointer to the fibers.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberPointsIterator rbegin()
Creates a point iterator for backward iteration, pointing to the last point of the fiber.
WFiberIterator & operator++()
Increment operator.
WFiberIterator operator+(size_t n) const
Plus operator.
OW_API_DEPRECATED WFiberSegmentsIterator srbegin()
Returns a backward iterator to the last segment.
std::size_t getIndex() const
Get the index of the line.
WFiberIterator & operator--()
Decrement operator.
An iterator for iterating the points of a fiber.
bool m_reverse
Whether to iterate backwards.
WFiberPointsIterator operator+(size_t n)
Plus operator.
bool operator==(WFiberPointsIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another point iterator.
std::size_t m_index
The index of the current point.
WPosition getTangent() const
The tangent of the point.
WFiberPointsIterator operator-(size_t n)
Minus operator.
WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberPointsIterator > operator,(WFiberPointsIterator &other)
Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
WColor getColor() const
Return the color of the point.
WPosition operator*() const
Returns the coordinates of the point currently pointed to.
WFiberPointsIterator & operator=(WFiberPointsIterator const &iter)
Copy operator.
std::size_t m_fiberIndex
The index of the fiber.
bool operator!=(WFiberPointsIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another point iterator.
std::size_t getBaseIndex() const
Calculates the index of this point in the dataset arrays.
WFiberPointsIterator & operator--()
Decrement operator.
WFiberPointsIterator & operator++()
Increment operator.
Default contructor.
double getParameter(double def=0.0, size_t parameterIndex=0) const
Returns the parameter specified in the vertex parameter array of the dataset.
WDataSetFibers const * m_fibers
The pointer to the fibers.
An iterator for iterating the segments of a fiber.
WFiberPointsIterator start() const
Returns an iterator to the starting point of the segment.
WFiberSegmentsIterator & operator++()
Increment operator.
bool m_reverse
Whether to iterate backwards.
osg::Vec3 direction() const
Returns the vector from the starting point position to the end point position.
std::size_t m_index
The index of the current point.
Default contructor.
WFiberSegmentsIterator & operator--()
Decrement operator.
WIteratorRangeUnpacker< WFiberSegmentsIterator > operator,(WFiberSegmentsIterator &other)
Creates a temporary object that is used to unpack an iterator range to two iterators.
std::size_t m_fiberIndex
The index of the fiber.
double length() const
Returns the length of the segment.
WFiberPointsIterator end() const
Returns an iterator to the end point of the segment.
bool operator!=(WFiberSegmentsIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another segment iterator.
WFiberSegmentsIterator & operator=(WFiberSegmentsIterator const &iter)
Copy operator.
bool operator==(WFiberSegmentsIterator const &rhs) const
Compare to another segment iterator.
WDataSetFibers const * m_fibers
The pointer to the fibers.
Represents a neural pathway.
Definition: WFiber.h:40
Class for keeping a single named item in a WItemSelection.
A temporary used to unpack an iterator range into two iterators.
A range of iterators.
This only is a 3d double vector.
In order to mark functions for the compiler as deprecated we need to put this before each deprecated ...
Definition: WDefines.h:44