OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Project: OpenWalnut ( )
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 OpenWalnut Community, BSV@Uni-Leipzig and CNCF@MPI-CBS
6 // For more information see
7 //
8 // This file is part of OpenWalnut.
9 //
10 // OpenWalnut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // OpenWalnut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 // along with OpenWalnut. If not, see <>.
22 //
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 #include <map>
29 #include <memory>
30 #include <shared_mutex>
31 #include <string>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
35 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
36 #include <osg/Camera>
37 #include <osg/Texture3D>
38 #include <osg/Vec3>
39 #include <osg/Vec4>
40 #include <osg/ref_ptr>
41 #include <osgViewer/CompositeViewer>
43 #include "../common/WColor.h"
44 #include "../common/WCondition.h"
45 #include "../common/WConditionOneShot.h"
46 #include "../common/WThreadedRunner.h"
47 #include "WGEGraphicsWindow.h"
48 #include "WGEScene.h"
49 #include "WGESignals.h"
50 #include "WGEViewer.h"
52 /**
53  * Base class for initializing the graphics engine. This Class also serves as adaptor to access the graphics
54  * engine.
55  * \ingroup ge
56  */
58 {
59 public:
60  /**
61  * Destructor.
62  */
63  virtual ~WGraphicsEngine();
65  /**
66  * Returns the root node of the WGraphicsEngine (this is not the root node of the OSG).
67  *
68  * \return the root node.
69  */
70  osg::ref_ptr<WGEScene> getScene();
72  /**
73  * Creates a new viewer. Does basic initialization and sets the default scene.
74  *
75  * \param name the name of the viewer. Must be unique.
76  * \param wdata the WindowData instance for the widget to use as render widget
77  * \param x X coordinate of widget where to create the context.
78  * \param y Y coordinate of widget where to create the context.
79  * \param width Width of the widget.
80  * \param height Height of the Widget.
81  * \param projectionMode Projection mode of the viewer.
82  * \param bgColor background color shown in the viewer.
83  * \return the new instance, ready to be used.
84  * \exception WGEInitFailed thrown if initialization of graphics context or graphics window has failed.
85  * \exception WNameNotUnique if the name if the viewer was not unique
86  */
87  std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > createViewer( std::string name, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> wdata, int x, int y,
88  int width, int height, WGECamera::ProjectionMode projectionMode = WGECamera::ORTHOGRAPHIC,
89  WColor bgColor = WColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
91  /**
92  * Closes a viewer and deletes it from the list of viewers.
93  *
94  * \param name the name of the viewer
95  */
96  void closeViewer( const std::string name );
98  /**
99  * Closes a viewer and deletes it from the list of viewers.
100  *
101  * \param viewer the viewer
102  */
103  void closeViewer( std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > viewer );
105  /**
106  * Searches for a viewer with a given name and returns it, if found.
107  *
108  * \param name the name of the viewer
109  * \returns a shared pointer to the viewer or NULL if not found
110  */
111  std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > getViewerByName( std::string name );
113  /**
114  * Returns the unnamed view, which is the view for the default scene which can be acquired using getScene().
115  *
116  * \return the viewer for the default scene.
117  */
118  std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > getViewer();
120  /**
121  * Returns instance of the graphics engine. If it does not exists, it will be created.
122  *
123  * \return the running graphics engine instance.
124  */
125  static std::shared_ptr< WGraphicsEngine > getGraphicsEngine();
127  /**
128  * This requests all shaders to reload during the next update cycle.
129  */
130  void requestShaderReload();
132  // Tell the compiler that we really want to use the base's subscribeSignal.
135  /**
136  * Subscribe a specified handler to the specified signal emited by the GE.
137  *
138  * \param signal the signal to connect to
139  * \param notifier the signal handler
140  *
141  * \return connection object.
142  */
143  boost::signals2::connection subscribeSignal( GE_SIGNAL signal, t_GEGenericSignalHandlerType notifier );
145  /**
146  * Checks whether the graphics engine is currently running or not.
147  *
148  * \return true if running
149  */
150  static bool isRunning();
152  /**
153  * Waits for the GE to come up. Fails if engine is not started.
154  *
155  * \return true if engine now running
156  */
157  static bool waitForStartupComplete();
159  /**
160  * Function notifies the viewer threads (if any) to start. This should only be called AFTER the OpenGL widgets/windows have been initialized.
161  */
162  void finalizeStartup();
164  /**
165  * Wait until someone called \ref finalizeStartup().
166  */
167  void waitForFinalize();
169  /**
170  * Enables multithreaded view. This MUST be called before run(). On Mac, this has no function.
171  *
172  * \param enable true if multithreaded
173  */
174  void setMultiThreadedViews( bool enable = true );
176  /**
177  * Checks whether the viewers work multithreaded.
178  *
179  * \return true if multithreaded
180  */
181  bool isMultiThreadedViews() const;
183 protected:
184  /**
185  * Constructors are protected because this is a Singleton.
186  */
187  explicit WGraphicsEngine();
189  /**
190  * Handler for repainting and event handling. Gets executed in separate thread.
191  */
192  virtual void threadMain();
194  /**
195  * Gets called when the thread should be stopped.
196  */
197  virtual void notifyStop();
199  /**
200  * OpenSceneGraph root node.
201  */
202  osg::ref_ptr<WGEScene> m_rootNode;
204  /**
205  * Map between name of viewer and viewer
206  */
207  typedef std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > > ViewerMap;
209  /**
210  * All registered viewers.
211  */
214  /**
215  * Mutex used to lock the map of viewers.
216  */
217  std::shared_mutex m_viewersLock;
219  /**
220  * If true, the view thread checks for updates in the m_viewers list
221  */
224  /**
225  * List of viewers to add to m_viewer via addView. Protected by m_viewersLock.
226  */
227  std::vector< WGEViewer::SPtr > m_addViewers;
229  /**
230  * List of viewers to remove from m_viewer via addView. Protected by m_viewersLock.
231  */
232  std::vector< WGEViewer::SPtr > m_removeViewers;
234  /**
235  * A list of conditions to notify when the GE thread processed the m_addViewers and m_removeViewers lists. Protected by
236  * m_viewersLock.
237  */
238  std::vector< WCondition::SPtr > m_viewerUpdateNotifiers;
240  /**
241  * OpenSceneGraph composite viewer. Contains all created osgViewer::Views.
242  */
243  osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::CompositeViewer> m_viewer;
245  /**
246  * Signal getting emitted whenever a reload shader request is waiting.
247  */
248  t_GEGenericSignalType m_reloadShadersSignal;
250 private:
251  /**
252  * Singleton instance of WGraphicsEngine.
253  */
254  static std::shared_ptr< WGraphicsEngine > m_instance;
256  /**
257  * True if graphics engine is running.
258  */
259  bool m_running;
261  /**
262  * This condition is fired externally if all the GUI startup is done to ensure all OGL stuff is initialized prior to OSG threading startup.
263  */
266  /**
267  * Apply updates in m_addViewers and m_removeViewers. Needs to be run in the GE thread
268  */
269  void applyViewerListUpdates();
270 };
272 /**
273  * \defgroup ge GraphicsEngine
274  *
275  * \brief
276  * This library implements the graphics engine for OpenWalnut.
277  */
279 /**
280  * Convinient functions for use with the graphics engine of OpenWalnut. ATM the
281  * namespace is filled by several files: WGEGeodeUtils, WGEGeometryUtils and
282  * WGEUtils.
283  */
284 namespace wge
285 {
286 } // end of namespace
Implements a WCondition, but can be fired only ONCE.
List of possible camera modes.
Definition: WGECamera.h:44
Base class for initializing the graphics engine.
virtual boost::signals2::connection subscribeSignal(THREAD_SIGNAL signal, t_ThreadErrorSignalHandlerType notifier)
Connects a specified notify function with a signal this thread instance is offering.
static std::shared_ptr< WGraphicsEngine > getGraphicsEngine()
Returns instance of the graphics engine.
virtual void threadMain()
Handler for repainting and event handling.
std::vector< WGEViewer::SPtr > m_addViewers
List of viewers to add to m_viewer via addView.
static bool waitForStartupComplete()
Waits for the GE to come up.
std::shared_mutex m_viewersLock
Mutex used to lock the map of viewers.
virtual void notifyStop()
Gets called when the thread should be stopped.
std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > getViewer()
Returns the unnamed view, which is the view for the default scene which can be acquired using getScen...
void waitForFinalize()
Wait until someone called finalizeStartup().
std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > getViewerByName(std::string name)
Searches for a viewer with a given name and returns it, if found.
static std::shared_ptr< WGraphicsEngine > m_instance
Singleton instance of WGraphicsEngine.
std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > createViewer(std::string name, osg::ref_ptr< osg::Referenced > wdata, int x, int y, int width, int height, WGECamera::ProjectionMode projectionMode=WGECamera::ORTHOGRAPHIC, WColor bgColor=WColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
Creates a new viewer.
bool m_viewersUpdate
If true, the view thread checks for updates in the m_viewers list.
ViewerMap m_viewers
All registered viewers.
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< WGEViewer > > ViewerMap
Map between name of viewer and viewer.
std::vector< WGEViewer::SPtr > m_removeViewers
List of viewers to remove from m_viewer via addView.
osg::ref_ptr< WGEScene > getScene()
Returns the root node of the WGraphicsEngine (this is not the root node of the OSG).
osg::ref_ptr< WGEScene > m_rootNode
OpenSceneGraph root node.
bool isMultiThreadedViews() const
Checks whether the viewers work multithreaded.
std::vector< WCondition::SPtr > m_viewerUpdateNotifiers
A list of conditions to notify when the GE thread processed the m_addViewers and m_removeViewers list...
void closeViewer(const std::string name)
Closes a viewer and deletes it from the list of viewers.
t_GEGenericSignalType m_reloadShadersSignal
Signal getting emitted whenever a reload shader request is waiting.
osg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::CompositeViewer > m_viewer
OpenSceneGraph composite viewer.
virtual ~WGraphicsEngine()
static bool isRunning()
Checks whether the graphics engine is currently running or not.
void finalizeStartup()
Function notifies the viewer threads (if any) to start.
Constructors are protected because this is a Singleton.
void setMultiThreadedViews(bool enable=true)
Enables multithreaded view.
void applyViewerListUpdates()
Apply updates in m_addViewers and m_removeViewers.
void requestShaderReload()
This requests all shaders to reload during the next update cycle.
bool m_running
True if graphics engine is running.
WConditionOneShot m_startThreadingCondition
This condition is fired externally if all the GUI startup is done to ensure all OGL stuff is initiali...
Base class for all classes needing to be executed in a separate thread.
virtual boost::signals2::connection subscribeSignal(THREAD_SIGNAL signal, t_ThreadErrorSignalHandlerType notifier)
Connects a specified notify function with a signal this thread instance is offering.
Extend the wge utils namespace with additional methods relating WDataTexture3D.