OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Project: OpenWalnut ( )
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 OpenWalnut Community, BSV@Uni-Leipzig and CNCF@MPI-CBS
6 // For more information see
7 //
8 // This file is part of OpenWalnut.
9 //
10 // OpenWalnut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // OpenWalnut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 // along with OpenWalnut. If not, see <>.
22 //
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <stdint.h>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <utility>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
36 #include "WAssert.h"
37 #include "WColor.h"
38 #include "WItemSelector.h"
39 #include "WStringUtils.h"
40 #include "math/WInterval.h"
41 #include "math/linearAlgebra/WMatrixFixed.h"
42 #include "math/linearAlgebra/WPosition.h"
43 #include "math/linearAlgebra/WVectorFixed.h"
45 template < typename T >
46 class WPropertyVariable;
47 class WPropertyGroup;
49 class WTransferFunction;
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 // NOTE: If you add new types here, please also add corresponding addProperty methods to WPropertyGroup
53 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56 // NOTE: Always use the WPVBaseTypes in all your declarations to allow easy type modifications later on
57 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 /**
60  * Enum of all possible types, that can be used with WProperty.
61  */
62 typedef enum
63 {
64  PV_UNKNOWN, //!< type not known
65  PV_GROUP, //!< the group property
66  PV_INT, //!< integer value
67  PV_DOUBLE, //!< floating point value
68  PV_BOOL, //!< boolean
69  PV_STRING, //!< a string
70  PV_PATH, //!< a Boost Path object denoting a filename/path
71  PV_SELECTION, //!< a list of strings, selectable
72  PV_POSITION, //!< a position property
73  PV_COLOR, //!< a color property
74  PV_TRIGGER, //!< for triggering an event
75  PV_MATRIX4X4, //!< for 4x4 matrices
76  PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION, //!< for transfer function textures
77  PV_STRUCT, //!< for complex, structured properties (used by \ref WPropertyStruct)
78  PV_LIST, //!< for a dynamic list of properties of the same type (see \ref WPropertyList)
79  PV_INTERVAL //!< for defining intervals (min and max values)
80 }
83 /**
84  * Enum of all possible purpose of a property. The purpose describes which meaning a property has for the creator of it. A PP_PARAMETER is a
85  * property which is meant to be modified to adopt the behaviour of the module (or whomever has created it). A PP_INFORMATION is only an output
86  * from the creator who wants to inform the outside world about values, states or whatever.
87  */
88 typedef enum
89 {
90  PV_PURPOSE_INFORMATION, //!< information property not meant to be modified from someone (except the creating object)
91  PV_PURPOSE_PARAMETER //!< a parameter meant to be modified by others to manipulate the behaviour of the module (or whomever created
92  //!< the property)
93 }
96 /**
97  * Namespace containing all base types of the WPropertyVariables. Use these types instead of issuing int32_t, double, bool, ...
98  * directly. It also contains some user defined types including the needed operators.
99  *
100  * \note You can use only types which overwrite the << and >> operators!
101  */
102 namespace WPVBaseTypes
103 {
104  typedef int32_t PV_INT; //!< base type used for every WPVInt
105  typedef double PV_DOUBLE; //!< base type used for every WPVDouble
106  typedef bool PV_BOOL; //!< base type used for every WPVBool
107  typedef std::string PV_STRING; //!< base type used for every WPVString
108  typedef boost::filesystem::path PV_PATH; //!< base type used for every WPVFilename
109  typedef WItemSelector PV_SELECTION; //!< base type used for every WPVSelection
110  typedef WPosition PV_POSITION; //!< base type used for every WPVPosition
111  typedef WColor PV_COLOR; //!< base type used for every WPVColor
112  typedef WMatrix4d PV_MATRIX4X4; //!< base type used for every WPVMatrix4X4
113  typedef WTransferFunction PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION; //!< base type for every transfer function
114  typedef WIntervalDouble PV_INTERVAL; //!< base type used for every PV_INTERVAL
116  /**
117  * Enum denoting the possible trigger states. It is used for trigger properties.
118  */
119  typedef enum
120  {
121  PV_TRIGGER_READY = 0, //!< Trigger property: is ready to be triggered (again)
122  PV_TRIGGER_TRIGGERED //!< Trigger property: got triggered
123  }
124  PV_TRIGGER; //!< base type used for every WPVTrigger
126  /**
127  * Checks which property types are derived from \ref WPropertyGroupBase. This, for example, is true for PV_GROUP and PV_STRUCT.
128  *
129  * \param type the type to check.
130  *
131  * \return true if cast-able \ref WPropertyGroupBase.
132  */
133  bool isPropertyGroup( PROPERTY_TYPE type );
135  /**
136  * Write a PV_TRIGGER in string representation to the given output stream.
137  *
138  * \param out the output stream to print the value to
139  * \param c the trigger value to output
140  *
141  * \return the output stream extended by the trigger value.
142  */
143  std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const PV_TRIGGER& c );
145  /**
146  * Write a PV_TRIGGER in string representation to the given input stream.
147  *
148  * \param in the input stream to read the value from
149  * \param c set the value red to this
150  *
151  * \return the input stream.
152  */
153  std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, PV_TRIGGER& c );
154 }
156 /**
157  * Some convenience type alias for a even more easy usage of WPropertyVariable.
158  * These typedefs are useful for casts, as they alias the PropertyVariable types. Please use these types instead of directly
159  * int32_t, double, bool, ... so we are able to change the type later on without modifications of thousands of modules.
160  */
162 /**
163  * Group properties.
164  */
165 typedef WPropertyGroup WPVGroup;
167 /**
168  * Int properties.
169  */
172 /**
173  * Floating point properties.
174  */
177 /**
178  * Boolean properties.
179  */
182 /**
183  * String properties.
184  */
187 /**
188  * Filename properties.
189  */
192 /**
193  * Selection properties
194  */
197 /**
198  * position (vec3d) properties
199  */
202 /**
203  * Color properties
204  */
207 /**
208  * Trigger properties
209  */
212 /**
213  * Trigger properties
214  */
217 /**
218  * Transfer Function properties
219  */
222 /**
223  * Interval properties
224  */
227 /**
228  * Some convenience type alias for a even more easy usage of WPropertyVariable.
229  * These typdefs define some pointer alias.
230  */
232 /**
233  * Alias for int32_t property variables.
234  */
235 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVInt > WPropInt;
237 /**
238  * Alias for int32_t property variables.
239  */
240 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVDouble > WPropDouble;
242 /**
243  * Alias for bool property variables.
244  */
245 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVBool > WPropBool;
247 /**
248  * Alias for string property variables.
249  */
250 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVString > WPropString;
252 /**
253  * Alias for filename property variables.
254  */
255 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVFilename > WPropFilename;
257 /**
258  * Alias for string list property variables.
259  */
260 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVSelection > WPropSelection;
262 /**
263  * Alias for position property variables.
264  */
265 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVPosition > WPropPosition;
267 /**
268  * Alias for color property variables.
269  */
270 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVColor > WPropColor;
272 /**
273  * Alias for the group properties.
274  */
275 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVGroup > WPropGroup;
277 /**
278  * Alias for the trigger properties.
279  */
280 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVTrigger > WPropTrigger;
282 /**
283  * Alias for the 4x4 matrix properties.
284  */
285 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVMatrix4X4 > WPropMatrix4X4;
287 /**
288  * Alias for the transfer function properties
289  */
290 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVTransferFunction > WPropTransferFunction;
292 /**
293  * Alias for the interval properties
294  */
295 typedef std::shared_ptr< WPVInterval > WPropInterval;
297 /**
298  * This namespace contains several helper classes which translate their template type to an enum.
299  */
301 {
302  /**
303  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
304  */
305  template< typename T >
307  {
308  public:
309  /**
310  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
311  *
312  * \return type identifier-
313  */
314  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
315  {
316  return PV_UNKNOWN;
317  }
318  };
320  /**
321  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. This might be needed by some types (some need to have a
322  * predecessor for creation).
323  * You only need to specialize this class for types not allowing the direct use of string_utils::fromString
324  */
325  template< typename T >
327  {
328  public:
329  /**
330  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
331  *
332  * \param str the new value as string
333  *
334  * \return the new instance
335  */
336  T create( const T& /*old*/, const std::string str )
337  {
338  return string_utils::fromString< T >( str );
339  }
341  /**
342  * Creates a string from the specified value.
343  *
344  * \param v the value to convert
345  *
346  * \return the string representation
347  */
348  std::string asString( const T& v )
349  {
350  return string_utils::toString( v );
351  }
352  };
354  /**
355  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
356  */
357  template<>
358  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_BOOL >
359  {
360  public:
361  /**
362  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
363  *
364  * \return type identifier-
365  */
366  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
367  {
368  return PV_BOOL;
369  }
370  };
372  /**
373  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
374  */
375  template<>
376  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_INT >
377  {
378  public:
379  /**
380  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
381  *
382  * \return type identifier-
383  */
384  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
385  {
386  return PV_INT;
387  }
388  };
390  /**
391  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
392  */
393  template<>
394  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_DOUBLE >
395  {
396  public:
397  /**
398  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
399  *
400  * \return type identifier-
401  */
402  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
403  {
404  return PV_DOUBLE;
405  }
406  };
408  /**
409  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
410  */
411  template<>
412  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_STRING >
413  {
414  public:
415  /**
416  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
417  *
418  * \return type identifier-
419  */
420  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
421  {
422  return PV_STRING;
423  }
424  };
426  /**
427  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
428  */
429  template<>
430  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_PATH >
431  {
432  public:
433  /**
434  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
435  *
436  * \return type identifier-
437  */
438  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
439  {
440  return PV_PATH;
441  }
442  };
444  /**
445  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
446  */
447  template<>
448  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION >
449  {
450  public:
451  /**
452  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
453  *
454  * \return type identifier-
455  */
456  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
457  {
458  return PV_SELECTION;
459  }
460  };
462  /**
463  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. Selections need this special care since they contain not
464  * serializable content which needs to be acquired from its predecessor instance.
465  */
466  template<>
467  class WStringConversion< WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION >
468  {
469  public:
470  /**
471  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
472  *
473  * \param old the old value
474  * \param str the new value as string
475  *
476  * \return the new instance
477  */
478  WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION create( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION& old, const std::string str )
479  {
480  return old.newSelector( str );
481  }
483  /**
484  * Creates a string from the specified value.
485  *
486  * \param v the value to convert
487  *
488  * \return the string representation
489  */
490  std::string asString( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION& v )
491  {
492  return string_utils::toString( v );
493  }
494  };
496  /**
497  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
498  */
499  template<>
500  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION >
501  {
502  public:
503  /**
504  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
505  *
506  * \return type identifier-
507  */
508  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
509  {
510  return PV_POSITION;
511  }
512  };
514  /**
515  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
516  */
517  template<>
518  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_COLOR >
519  {
520  public:
521  /**
522  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
523  *
524  * \return type identifier-
525  */
526  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
527  {
528  return PV_COLOR;
529  }
530  };
532  /**
533  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
534  */
535  template<>
536  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRIGGER >
537  {
538  public:
539  /**
540  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
541  *
542  * \return type identifier-
543  */
544  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
545  {
546  return PV_TRIGGER;
547  }
548  };
550  /**
551  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
552  */
553  template<>
554  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 >
555  {
556  public:
557  /**
558  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
559  *
560  * \return type identifier-
561  */
562  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
563  {
564  return PV_MATRIX4X4;
565  }
566  };
568  /**
569  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
570  */
571  template<>
572  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL >
573  {
574  public:
575  /**
576  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
577  *
578  * \return type identifier-
579  */
580  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
581  {
582  return PV_INTERVAL;
583  }
584  };
586  /**
587  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. Selections need this special care since they contain not
588  * serializable content which needs to be acquired from its predecessor instance.
589  */
590  template<>
591  class WStringConversion< WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 >
592  {
593  public:
594  /**
595  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
596  *
597  * \param str the new value as string
598  *
599  * \return the new instance
600  */
601  WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 create( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4& /*old*/, const std::string str )
602  {
603  WMatrix4d c;
604  std::vector< std::string > tokens;
605  tokens = string_utils::tokenize( str, ";" );
606  WAssert( tokens.size() >= 16, "There weren't 16 values for a 4x4 Matrix" );
608  size_t idx = 0;
609  for( size_t row = 0; row < 4; ++row )
610  {
611  for( size_t col = 0; col < 4; ++col )
612  {
613  c( row, col ) = string_utils::fromString< double >( tokens[ idx ] );
614  idx++;
615  }
616  }
618  return c;
619  }
621  /**
622  * Creates a string from the specified value.
623  *
624  * \param v the value to convert
625  *
626  * \return the string representation
627  */
628  std::string asString( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4& v )
629  {
630  std::ostringstream out;
631  for( size_t row = 0; row < 4; ++row )
632  {
633  for( size_t col = 0; col < 4; ++col )
634  {
635  out << v( row, col ) << ";";
636  }
637  }
638  return out.str();
639  }
640  };
642  /**
643  * Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
644  */
645  template<>
646  class WTypeIdentifier< WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION >
647  {
648  public:
649  /**
650  * Get type identifier of the template type T.
651  *
652  * \return type identifier-
653  */
654  PROPERTY_TYPE getType()
655  {
657  }
658  };
660  /**
661  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. Selections need this special care since they contain not
662  * serializable content which needs to be acquired from its predecessor instance.
663  */
664  template<>
665  class WStringConversion< WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION >
666  {
667  public:
668  /**
669  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
670  *
671  * \param str the new value as string
672  *
673  * \return the new instance
674  */
675  WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION create( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION& /*old*/, const std::string str );
677  /**
678  * Creates a string from the specified value.
679  *
680  * \param tf the value to convert
681  *
682  * \return the string representation
683  */
684  std::string asString( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_TRANSFERFUNCTION& tf );
685  };
687  /**
688  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. Selections need this special care since they contain not
689  * serializable content which needs to be acquired from its predecessor instance.
690  */
691  template<>
692  class WStringConversion< WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION >
693  {
694  public:
695  /**
696  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
697  *
698  * \param str the new value as string
699  *
700  * \return the new instance
701  */
702  WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION create( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION& /*old*/, const std::string str )
703  {
705  std::vector< std::string > tokens;
706  tokens = string_utils::tokenize( str, ";" );
707  WAssert( tokens.size() >= 3, "There weren't 3 values for a 3D vector" );
709  size_t idx = 0;
710  for( size_t col = 0; col < 3; ++col )
711  {
712  c[ col ] = string_utils::fromString< double >( tokens[ idx ] );
713  idx++;
714  }
715  return c;
716  }
718  /**
719  * Creates a string from the specified value.
720  *
721  * \param v the value to convert
722  *
723  * \return the string representation
724  */
725  std::string asString( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION& v )
726  {
727  std::ostringstream out;
728  for( size_t col = 0; col < 3; ++col )
729  {
730  out << v[ col ] << ";";
731  }
732  return out.str();
733  }
734  };
736  /**
737  * Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one. Selections need this special care since they contain not
738  * serializable content which needs to be acquired from its predecessor instance.
739  */
740  template<>
741  class WStringConversion< WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL >
742  {
743  public:
744  /**
745  * Creates a new instance of the type from a given string. Some classes need a predecessor which is also specified here.
746  *
747  * \param str the new value as string
748  *
749  * \return the new instance
750  */
751  WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL create( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL& /*old*/, const std::string str )
752  {
753  std::vector< std::string > tokens;
754  tokens = string_utils::tokenize( str, ";" );
755  WAssert( tokens.size() >= 2, "There weren't 2 values for an interval" );
757  WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL c( string_utils::fromString< double >( tokens[ 0 ] ),
758  string_utils::fromString< double >( tokens[ 1 ] ) );
760  return c;
761  }
763  /**
764  * Creates a string from the specified value.
765  *
766  * \param v the value to convert
767  *
768  * \return the string representation
769  */
770  std::string asString( const WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL& v )
771  {
772  std::ostringstream out;
773  out << v.getLower() << ";" << v.getUpper();
774  return out.str();
775  }
776  };
777 }
779 #endif // WPROPERTYTYPES_H
std::string asString(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL &v)
Creates a string from the specified value.
WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL create(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_INTERVAL &, const std::string str)
Creates a new instance of the type from a given string.
WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 create(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 &, const std::string str)
Creates a new instance of the type from a given string.
std::string asString(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_MATRIX4X4 &v)
Creates a string from the specified value.
WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION create(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION &, const std::string str)
Creates a new instance of the type from a given string.
std::string asString(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_POSITION &v)
Creates a string from the specified value.
WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION create(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION &old, const std::string str)
Creates a new instance of the type from a given string.
std::string asString(const WPVBaseTypes::PV_SELECTION &v)
Creates a string from the specified value.
Class helping to create a new instance of the property content from an old one.
T create(const T &, const std::string str)
Creates a new instance of the type from a given string.
std::string asString(const T &v)
Creates a string from the specified value.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
Class helping to adapt types specified as template parameter into an enum.
Get type identifier of the template type T.
const T & getUpper() const
Return the upper value of the interval.
Definition: WInterval.h:263
const T & getLower() const
Get the lower value of the interval.
Definition: WInterval.h:257
This class represents a subset of a WItemSelection.
Definition: WItemSelector.h:53
WItemSelector newSelector(IndexList selected) const
Creates a new valid instance with the specified items selected.
This only is a 3d double vector.
Class to manage properties of an object and to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipu...
A named property class with a concrete type.
A class that stores a 1D transfer function which consists of a linear interpolation of alpha and colo...
This namespace contains several helper classes which translate their template type to an enum.
Namespace containing all base types of the WPropertyVariables.
Enum denoting the possible trigger states.
Trigger property: got triggered.
Trigger property: is ready to be triggered (again)
base type used for every WPVColor
std::string PV_STRING
base type used for every WPVString
bool isPropertyGroup(PROPERTY_TYPE type)
Checks which property types are derived from WPropertyGroupBase.
base type used for every WPVSelection
base type for every transfer function
base type used for every WPVPosition
double PV_DOUBLE
base type used for every WPVDouble
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PV_TRIGGER &c)
Write a PV_TRIGGER in string representation to the given output stream.
WMatrix4d PV_MATRIX4X4
base type used for every WPVMatrix4X4
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, PV_TRIGGER &c)
Write a PV_TRIGGER in string representation to the given input stream.
WIntervalDouble PV_INTERVAL
base type used for every PV_INTERVAL
bool PV_BOOL
base type used for every WPVBool
boost::filesystem::path PV_PATH
base type used for every WPVFilename
int32_t PV_INT
base type used for every WPVInt
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(const std::string &source, const std::string &delim=WHITESPACE, bool compress=true)
Splits the given string into a vector of strings (so called tokens).
std::string toString(const T &value)
Convert a given value to a string.
Definition: WStringUtils.h:120