OpenWalnut  1.5.0dev

This group contains modules of OpenWalnut. More...


class  WMAnisotropicFiltering
 This module smoothes images of a dataset while preserving edges. More...
class  WMApplyMask
 Set all voxels in a dataset to zero if the other dataset is zero there. More...
class  WMArbitraryPlane
 Arbitrarily orientable cutting plane through the data. More...
class  WMArbitraryROIs
 Create non uniformly shaped ROIs for fiber selection. More...
class  WMButterfly
 OpenWalnut module that subdivides a triangle mesh in more points resulting a smoother surface. More...
class  WMCalculateHistogram
 Calculates a histogram from WDataSetSingle. More...
class  WMClusterDisplay
 Module offers several fiber selection and coloring options depending on a hierarchical clustering. More...
class  WMClusterDisplayVoxels
 Allows one to display and interact with clustered voxel data. More...
class  WMColormapper
 This module simply registers the given dataset to the texture handling mechanism. More...
class  WMCoordinateSystem
 class that implements the various coordinate systems as overlays within the 3D view More...
class  WMData
 Module for encapsulating WDataSets. More...
class  WMReadSphericalHarmonics
 This module loads spherical harmonics data given as vectors of coefficients from NIfTI files. More...
class  WMWriteNIfTI
 Write the input dataset to a NIfTI file. More...
class  WMDataCreatorFibers
 Module which utilizes the strategy pattern to provide a multitude of dataset creation algorithms for fiber data. More...
class  WMDataCreatorPoints
 Module which utilizes the strategy pattern to provide a multitude of dataset creation algorithms for point data. More...
class  WMDataCreatorScalar
 Module which utilizes the strategy pattern to provide a multitude of dataset creation algorithms for scalar data. More...
class  WMDataCreatorVector
 Module which utilizes the strategy pattern to provide a multitude of dataset creation algorithms for vector data. More...
class  WMDatasetManipulator
 Module allowing manipulation of the dataset scaling, orientation and position. More...
class  WMDatasetProfile
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMDataTypeConversion
 Provides a new field with the approximately the same data, but with another data type. More...
class  WMDiffTensorScalars
 Computes a scalar dataset for a given tensor dataset. More...
class  WMDirectVolumeRendering
 This module is a basic volume renderer. More...
class  WMDistanceMap
 Computes a distance map from an anatomy dataset. More...
class  WMDistanceMapIsosurface
 Computes a distance map from an anatomy dataset and renders it as isosurface. More...
class  WMEEGView
 Test module to open a new widget and display EEG data. More...
class  WMEffectiveConnectivityCluster
 This module is able to visualize connectome data in the context of MRI data. More...
class  WMEigenSystem
 Computes the eigensystem of a second order tensor field. More...
class  WMFiberDisplay
 This modules takes a dataset and equalizes its histogram. More...
class  WMFiberFilterIndex
 This module is intended to allow the user to filter a fiber dataset using the current ROI config. More...
class  WMFiberFilterROI
 This module is intended to allow the user to filter a fiber dataset using the current ROI config. More...
class  WMFiberParameterColoring
 This modules takes a dataset and equalizes its histogram. More...
class  WMFiberResampling
 This modules takes a fiber dataset and samples it in regular steps. More...
class  WMFiberSelection
 This module handles selection of fibers based on two volumes of interest. More...
class  WMFibersToPoints
 This modules takes a fiber dataset and extracts its vertices to build a point dataset. More...
class  WMFiberTransform
 Transforms a fiber dataset. More...
class  WMFiberTranslator
 Creates a fiber dataset from various data sources. More...
class  WMFilterProtonData
 This module simply registers a given csv dataset to the csv handling mechanism. More...
class  WMGaussFiltering
 Gauss filtering for WDataSetScalar. More...
class  WMGridRenderer
 Show the bounding box and grid of a WDataSetSingle. More...
class  WMHARDIToSphericalHarmonics
 Module for the creation of a spherical harmonic data set from raw HARDI data. More...
class  WSphericalHarmonicsCoefficientsThread< T >
 Module for the creation of a spherical harmonic data set from raw HARDI data. More...
class  WMHierchClustDisplay
 Module to explore hierarchical parcellations of brain data The module loads a tree file from disk, and allows tree processing, visualization of seed voxel locations onto anatomy image exploration of the hierarchical tree, partition selection, and along with partition2Mesh module the projection of partitions back to the brain surface. More...
class  WMPartition2Mesh
 This module projects a clustering partition result onto a (freesurfer) mesh Meant to work with hierchClustDisplay. More...
class  WMHistogramEqualization
 This modules takes a dataset and equalizes its histogram. More...
class  WMImageExtractor
 This module extracts single images from a dataset. More...
class  WMImageSpaceLIC
 This module takes an vector dataset and used it to apply an image space based (fast) LIC to an arbitrary surface. More...
class  WMImageSpaceTensorLIC
 This module takes a second order symmetric tensor dataset and uses it to apply an image space based (fast) fabric-like LIC to an arbitrary surface. More...
class  WMIsosurface
 Module implementing the marching cubes algorithm with consistent triangulation for data given on regular grids with axis-aligned cells. More...
class  WMIsosurfaceRaytracer
 This module builds the base for fast raytracing of isosurfacesin OpenWalnut. More...
class  WMMergeComponentsToVector
 This modules takes several scalar inputs and merges them to a vector dataset. More...
class  WMMergePoints
 This modules takes some point data and merges them into one new point dataset. More...
class  WMMeshToPoints
 This modules takes a mesh and extracts its vertices to build a point dataset. More...
class  WMNavigationSlices
 This module provides simple slices that can be color-mapped. More...
class  WMOpenIGTLinkSender
 This module provides an interface to OpenIGTLink, a protocol to exchange data remotely over IP networks. More...
class  WMPaintTexture
 Forward declaration of WPickInfo. More...
class  WMPickingDVR
 Allows to select a 3D position in a DVR by selecting a 2D location on the screen. More...
class  WMPickingDVREvaluation
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMPointConnector
 This module connects the points in a point dataset. More...
class  WMPointRenderer
 This module renders the points in a point dataset. More...
class  WMProbTractDisplay
 This module generates a visualization of probabilistic tracts using iso surfaces. More...
class  WMProjectionsAsContext
 Computes contour lines (aka isolines) for the given data and render them on a 2D plane. More...
class  WMReadAmiraMesh
 Reader for amiraMesh (.am) files. More...
class  WMReadDipoles
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMReadLAS
 This module loads LAS files (point data). More...
class  WMReadMesh
 This module reads a file containing mesh data (several formats supported) and creates a mesh (or triangle mesh) object delivered through the output connector. More...
class  WMReadRawData
 A module to read scalar data stored as array of raw data. More...
class  WMReadSimpleTextLineData
 This module loads simple text-based line data files. More...
class  WMReadVCL
 A module to read VCL line data. More...
class  WMReadVIM
 This module loads VIM files (point data). More...
class  WMResampleRegular
 A module to resample a regular dataset with a different regular grid. More...
class  WMSampleOnFibers
 This modules takes a fiber dataset and samples it at a given parameter value. More...
class  WMScalarOperator
 Operators for processing two WDataSetScalar. More...
class  WMScalarSegmentation
 First version of a module that implements 3D-image segmentation algorithms. More...
class  WMSpatialDerivative
 This modules takes a dataset and derives it spatially. More...
class  WMSplineSurface
 Module implementing the marching cubes algorithm with consistent triangulation for data given on regular grids with axis-aligned cells. More...
class  WMSuperquadricGlyphs
 Rendering of GPU bases Superquadric Glyphs. More...
class  WMSurfaceIllustrator
 This module renders the triangle mesh given at its input connector as a surface. More...
class  WMSurfaceParameterAnimator
 This module is a ray-tracing based isosurface using special methods for animating particle flow on its surface. More...
class  WMTeemGlyphs
 Spherical harmonics glyphs using teem ( More...
class  WMTemplate
 This module is intended to be a simple template and example module. More...
class  WMTransferFunction1D
 A module to provide 1D transfer functions, e.g., for volume rendering. More...
class  WMTransferFunctionColorBar
 This module simply registers the given dataset to the texture handling mechanism. More...
class  WMTriangleMeshRenderer
 This module renders the triangle mesh given at its input connector as a surface. More...
class  WMVectorAlign
 This module aligns vectors so that they are inside of the same halfspace by just mirroring their directions if necessary. More...
class  WMVectorNormalize
 Operator for normalizing vectors. More...
class  WMVectorOperator
 Operators for processing two WDataSetScalar. More...
class  WMVectorPlot
 Show an glyph plot (in this case the glyphs are arrows) of a vector data set. More...
class  WMVectorScale
 Operators for processing a vector with a WDataSetScalar. More...
class  WMVoxelizer
 Traces a given set of deterministic tracts as given by a dataset of deterministic tracts (optionally only a subset may be processed) in a voxel-wise manner. More...
class  WMWebglSupport
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMWriteAmiraMesh
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMWriteDendrogram
 This module writes the Dendrogram. More...
class  WMWriteField
 Someone should add some documentation here. More...
class  WMWriteMesh
 This module writes the triangle mesh given at its input connector as a VTK ASCII file or .json file or STL file. More...
class  WMWriteRawData
 A module to read scalar data stored as array of raw data. More...
class  WMWriteTracts
 This module writes the tracts of either a fiber cluster or directly out of a WDataSetFibers at its connector to a file. More...
class  WMWriteTransferFunction
 Module to export transferfunctions. More...
class  WMCalculateGFA
 A module that calculates the generalized fractional anisotropy for every voxel of the input dataset. More...
class  WMCalculateTensors
 A module that calculates tensors from the input SH dataset. More...
class  WMDeterministicFTMori
 This module implements the simple fiber tracking algorithm by Mori et al. More...
class  WMFunctionalMRIViewer
 Views a time series at different points in time. More...
class  WMHistogramView
 A module that draws a histogram. More...
class  WMMultiHistogramView
 A module that draws a histogram of one or mode scalar datasets in a custom widget. More...
class  WMTemplateColormapping
 A module that explains the usage of the WGEColormapping interface including the GLSL codes. More...
class  WMTemplateContainers
 A module that explains re-use and re-combination of existing modules. More...
class  WMTemplateDataLoader
 A module that explains the data loader module interface in OpenWalnut. More...
class  WMTemplateRenderPipelines
 A module that explains the usage of the WGEOffscreen interface including the GLSL codes. More...
class  WMTemplateShaders
 A module that explains the usage of the WGEShader interface. More...
class  WMTemplateUI
 A module that explains the usage of the abstract UI interface in OpenWalnut. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains modules of OpenWalnut.

The term modules can be understood as "plugin" or "algorithm" in this context.